1: An Absolutely Brilliant Idea

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LOL. THIS IS NOT ANTI 5SOS! I don't really hate them.

Hey guys! so this is my first Wattpad story. I really have no idea what I'm doing, so yeah. The first few chapters will probably be terrible, but I'm hoping it will get better. Thank you to everyone who reads this. Enjoy!


You know those few weird clubs that your school may have? Like the Anime club or the Cheese Loving club? Well, knowing that such clubs as these existed in my wonderous school, I decided to start my own club.

Now, this club was made out of pure passion. Well not really passion. More like passion of hate.

You may be wondering. What could I hate so much as to start a club over it?

Well, I'll let you know. The pure sound of "She Looks So Perfect" or "Don't Stop" on the radio has me pulling my hair out of my scalp and destroying anything in my sight.

Now, I'm probably being a little bit melodramatic over my little description, but I'm just trying to prove a point here.

5 Seconds of Summer is an absolute hate band of mine. I hate how absolutely every girl screams over the band and their annoying Australian accents. I hate how everyone moons over them when all they are is a band.

But there is one reason why I really hate 5sos. And I blame myself for it, but it's pretty unforgivable. And, no I'm not going to share my reason with you. It's too heartbreaking. The band just reminds me too much of her.

Sure they're talented, but one can obsess over something to a point.

So that's why I'm sitting in my school's office waiting to talk to the director of clubs to get my club certified.

I'm really hoping that I can get a club going. I only need twenty signatures, and hopefully I can get enough people to join. Thankfully, If I do say so myself, I'm pretty popular around school, so numbers won't be a problem.

"Katie? Mr. Lopez is ready to speak with you." A lady with poofy blonde hair and a disgusting outfit on that consisted of an ugly barf green dress with socks and sandals. I nodded, trying to hold in a snicker, as I walked into his office.

"Hello Miss Burns. So you plan to start a new club I hear?" Mr. Lopez was sitting at his desk looking at me curiously. I tried not to look too nervous. Word around school was that Mr. Lopez was one strict amigo.

"Yes sir. I believe that this club can bring together outsiders that don't agree with other people's tastes." I tried to make myself sound as reasonable as possible. I mean for goodness sakes, it was a hate club. He probably would hate the idea.

"And what do you mean by tastes?" I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. I guess I didn't really think this through that well. I was just so hooked on starting this club.

"Well, you see sir, I believe that a majority of the population of our school has an obsession. And that obsession is over a band." I watched as he nodded slowly following along with my speech. So far so good. "And well, I believe that all the people who are not obsessed over this band should be able to roam freely without being judged or criticized for their indifferences." Wow, I sound actually smart.

Mr. Lopez paused for what seemed like forever. Just say yes or no. It looked like he was pondering over every little detail. Then I saw him sigh.

"Ok, Katie, I see that you were pretty fixated on this idea. So if you really want this club, then I just need to see if you can get enough people to join. You're a senior, right?" I nodded. "Well, I think you have enough responsibility for this, so I'm fine with the idea and if you can keep the club going with no funny business then, you have yourself a club. But I still need twenty signatures from you."

I jumped excitedly in my mind. He went through with my idea. I had no idea it was going to work.

I shook Mr. Lopez's hand and walked out his office proud of myself for being able to start my own club. I can tell others about my hate for the band and they will fight with me against the evil. My own hate club!

My 5SOS Hate ClubWhere stories live. Discover now