20. Resolved

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I am going to try to make this the last part of My 5SOS Hate Club only because I started this story just by making it up as I went along, and I realized that you can't really do that. So my plot is a little messed up.  I'm going to try to finish the story the best I can.  So, I hope this makes sense to all you of guys.  And thanks for reading. :)


After reading my lovely comment about meeting up with my informer, I concluded that talking to he or she would be the best thing for me to do.  Granted, it may be dangerous, but I had to find out about all of this mess so I can leave it behind in my life.  

Noticing that today was 5sos's last day on tour, I received a surprise text message from Luke saying that they were going to come on down to New Orleans the next day to visit me whilst celebrating our new song release.  Finding this out made me have at least something to look forward to, because my life currently could not be even more stressful.  

Luke and I had a silent agreement that we basically made up from our little argument.  And I was glad about that because it just took a tiny slice of stress off of my stress cake.  

"Katie sweetie, we haven't had dinner together as a family in forever.  Come down here and sit with us!"  I hear my mom call from downstairs.  It was sadly true though.  We used to always eat together as a family, but now with everything going on, I had been too busy to even eat with them.  

And I noticed that I had been being the worst older sister ever to Rebecca.  Even though she really did get on my nerves, I'm supposed to be responsible for older sister advice and such, but I haven't been doing that lately.  So I got off of my butt and headed downstairs to sit down with the rest of my family.  

"Hello family,"  I try to say cheerily.  My parents didn't ignore the bags under my eyes or my paleness from my insomnia.  

"It's been a long time since we've seen you Katie.  We thought you died on us or something,"  My dad tried to joke.  I just faked a laugh.  He had always been such an awkward man.  

For the rest of dinner, the conversations were pretty much just about the weather and upcoming October events.  Rebecca seemed to be off, though. 

I knew that she wasn't dumb, because she was twelve years old, so I decided that after dinner I would ask her what was up.  

"Rebecca?"  I watched as she turned around on the third step on our stair way.  "What's wrong?  You seemed... off at dinner."  

She didn't smile or show any kind of emotion at all really.  "The truth is, Katie, is that I've missed you.  You're going away on tour soon, and I won't have anyone to talk to except Mom.  And you haven't been talking to me at all, and I feel like I've been alone for forever.  I just need a sister right now, you know?"  

I was shocked at how mature she sounded.  I knew that I haven't been the best sister, so I shamed myself for it.  I gave Rebecca a hug.  "I'm so sorry Reb.  I know, I've been pretty terrible recently.  How about we go up to your room and we can just have some girl talk?  Just you and me."  She nodded and smiled while I gave myself a pat on the back for being such a great sister.  

Before I went upstairs, I wanted to thank my mom and dad for dinner.  I haven't been acknowledging them for forever either.  And I was going to be away from them pretty soon, so I just wanted to thank them for everything.  I knew that in a shorter time then it seems, they won't get to see me at all.  


Checking the time after having some sister time with Rebecca, I noticed that I had an hour until it was time to meet up with my mysterious person.

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