10. Explanations

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I stared at my enemy with pure shock. At first her words made no sense. What did she mean 'my mother is her mother'? There's no way that I'm related to that girl.

Then I thought through her words. She is older than me, but then, how could I tell if she was lying to me or not. I decided to not jump to conclusions and make her explain every detail.

Steph was waiting patiently for me to answer. "Explain. And I want as many details as possible so I can tell if you're lying or not," I ordered her.

"I promise you, I'm not lying!" I didn't answer back to that and waited for her to explain. "Maybe we should sit down, Katie. It's a lot of information." I nodded and we headed over to the couch.

I watched as Steph took a deep breath in and started explaining. "So it all started way before we were born. Your parents were happily married, and my dad was a lonely guy, I guess. He wasn't married at the time, but I think that your parents and my dad were good friends from college. So anyway, he was lonely. Your, or our mom, Christie, to put simply, had an affair with my father. I think she truly loved my dad, but she married yours anyway. But that's besides the point. They had an affair, and eventually, Christie found out she was pregnant with my dad's and her baby. And that's me."

"So, they both decided that they wouldn't tell John, your father, because that would just lead to more drama. Now this may sound a little far fetched, but please believe me," She pleaded. I sighed and nodded for her to continue.

"Christie decided that she would go on a long retreat or something to 'find herself', or to really have the baby. My dad went along with her. Their plan was that my dad would get married to someone pretending that he already had a kid with a dead wife and he needed a new wife. He would return with a wife and a baby, which was me. And Christie would return home, scotch free, leaving John clueless to everything. And then about a year later, your parents had you and-" She paused wondering if she could say her name.

"You can say her name, Steph. It's not like it'll change anything."

"And Katrina," She sadly said. "And so, my dad told me all about the affair. I was told to never speak a word of it. So that led me to all the years of bullying you and Katrina. I always thought that you guys were lucky for never having to go through life knowing this huge secret. I wanted my real mom to take care of me and not some fake woman. Of course, your mom never told you this secret I'm assuming, so here I am telling you now. And I just wanted to let you know that I'm truly am sorry for all the terrible things I did to you for the past years. I realize that it's not your fault." I paused taking in all this information.

At first I was mad at my mother for having a secret affair and then lying about something as huge as this. Then I started to feel sorry for Steph. She had to know this information all her life and not do anything about it. And my mom never showed any signs of sadness for Steph. But then I remembered something. It was something really important.

A while back, when Steph was still in High School and in this town, there was one incident that I was always suspicious of. It was the same day that my twin sister died. This incident caused Steph to have to go to a mental hospital for some disease claiming that she was mentally insane.

I remember when my sister's body was found murdered that day. And Steph was right in the murder scene. She was found innocent, and in my head I knew that Steph probably wouldn't go as far as to kill my own sister. But in my heart, she was dead guilty of murder.

They had to take Steph to a crazy house because she was on drugs at the time, and they had affected her too much by then. So they sent her off, and I was left sad but relieved.

So I stared at Steph. Could I believe her little story? I mean, she has been known as the maniac type, but it was a pretty descriptive story. It seemed like her story was pretty genuine. But I had already made up my mind.

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