17. Ashy Boy? What are you hiding?

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To say I was confused was just an understatement.  I couldn't come up with any logical reasons of why Ashton would still be in New Orleans.  So to clear my mind, I called Luke.  

He answered just before it went to voicemail.  "Luke."

I heard some rustling and movement until I heard his voice.  "Um... Katie, hey.  Is there something you wanted to talk about?  Because now's not a good time."  He sounded rushed and I heard that hint of annoyance.  

"Um, It's kind of important.  I just was wondering if you heard right from Ashton.  You said he was visiting his sick mom, correct?"  I could hear more voices in the background.  I guess he was busy, but I just needed an explanation.  Was he lying to me?

"That's correct, Katie.  Why do you ask?"  

"I saw Ashton at April's funeral, and just was confused.  Did you lie to me, Luke?  I just don't understand why you would need to lie to me about anything really."  I could tell that my voice was raising a bit.

"Calm down Katie.  I honestly have no idea why he would be at the funeral.  Maybe you were just seeing things.  Have you gotten much sleep lately with all that's going on over there and such?"  I sighed in annoyance.  

"Luke!  I'm not going crazy.  If anyone is to be going crazy, it's you.  I think that your band mates aren't as trustful as you think they are, because Ashton doesn't seem like the most loyal guy.  If I were you, I'd be careful around them.  They could be doing things behind your back."  Now, I have to admit, I did sound a little crazy myself, but I had a right to be.

"You don't know anything about me or my band mates, Katie.  So don't assume anything like that.  You got that?  I've known these guys for a much longer time than you.  I trust them with everything, and if you have problems with them then maybe you shouldn't be in the band.  Maybe you don't deserve to be in the band..."  He was practically yelling, but his voice still happened to be soft.  I felt like I was just hit in the chest.  

I took in a deep breath and replied, "Maybe I don't know anything about you, Luke.  Maybe this whole band idea was just a bad idea.  Maybe us being together was a bad idea.  Maybe we should just rethink about all of this."  I said this all out at once, and as soon as I said I regretted it.  What if Luke really didn't want me in the band anymore?

"No!  Katie!  Listen, I didn't mean any of that.  What I meant is that you don't understand any of this-"

"Save it, Luke.  Make up your mind, and I'll make up mine.  We have to be able to trust each other if we want to stick together in this."  Then I hung up before he could respond, and instantly fell to the ground in tears.  

As soon as I composed myself, I decided that I would find out myself about Ashton.  I called up the only person that I knew could connect Ashton with April.  Josh.  

We caught up at first, but then I started asking him about Ashton.  

"Well, when he visited, he kept talking about this amazing girl that he met.  He talked about her long blonde hair and her gorgeous bright eyes.  I just thought that the only person that she could be was April.  She was popular and pretty, and Ashton, being a ladies' man, just had to take a liking towards her.  So he was probably at her funeral because of his feelings for her.  I even remember him talking about how April liked him back.  Katie, I think they hooked up."

I listened to his words.  I knew that April had some sort of feelings towards Ashton, but I didn't know that she actually applied them.  I thanked Josh and hung up.  

Fortunately, I had Ashton's number in my phone.  So, for my third call of the day, I called him.

His voice sounded unsure when he answered.  "K-katie.  Hey.  What's up?"

"I just wanted to know what you were doing at April's funeral."  I came right out and said it, but there was a giant pause of silence that made me think that he wasn't there anymore.  "Um, Ashton?  You still there?"

"What?  Oh, um... Yeah.  I'll explain.  Just meet me at the park in ten minutes."  And he hung up leaving me curious.  Of course I was going to go, but why did he have to explain in person?


At the park, I looked around and saw mop of unruly hair looking somber on a park bench in the corner.  I slowly approached him, and he turned around as I got closer.  He looked nervous.  His eyes just showed it and the way he sat.

"Hey Ashton.  What's this all about?  Why do you look so nervous?"  I cautiously sat down on the bench next to him.  He licked his lips then took a deep breath in.

"T-there's something that I did awhile back, and it has to do with the murder of your sister."  I widened my eyes.  He had something to do with Katrina's murder?  But it doesn't make sense.  Why?  From seeing my confusion, he continued.  "I didn't kill her myself, if that's what you're wondering.  But I did take part in her murder."

"W-what did you do?"  He continued to look nervous again, but he continued to talk to me.

"Before I tell you any of this, can you promise me something?"  I nodded apprehensive of what he wanted me to promise.  "I don't want this to affect the band, so after I tell you this, please don't run away from us.  This only has to do with me.  Can you do that?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.  "Okay, deal.  But what happens if you did something so unforgivable that I can't stay in the band because you'll be there all the time?"  

He answered simply, "You can kick me out of the band."  I sounded really unsure about this, but I had to find out what happened to my sister, and Ashton had some answers.  

"O-okay,  I guess, I could um, do that if I really hated you,"  I answered sounding unsure.  Ashton and I always seemed to dislike each other.  Ever since the beginning, and I don't know what it was; but maybe this was the reason why.  

I urged him to begin telling me, and he hesitantly started.  "So, it all began when I came down here to  visit Josh..."


Hey!  So I had to end this chapter because I only like to make them about one thousand words.  This plot may be confusing, but I'm trying to piece it together.  When I first started creating this, I was making it up as I went along, but now I kind of have to do otherwise.  So thanks for reading this confusing story.  I hope you guys are liking it so far. :)

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