21. Endings

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Hey guys, so I guess I couldn't finish it all in just that one part.  This is going to be the last part.  Thanks for reading. :)


After they explained everything to me, it finally made sense.  Katrina was killed by April, which surprised me at first, but then I realized how suspicious April really was.  Then they told me that April had been murdered by, this one really shocked me, Carter.  

Carter found out that April had killed Katrina because Steph had told him.  He got really angry, so he killed April.  Post killing April, Carter began to feel over regretful for killing her, so he went to Steph demanding to know why she had told him about April.  

Steph, she had a long plan all along, to kill both me and Katrina.  So far, she had succeeded in killing Katrina, but she was still trying to get to me.  So somehow, she convinced Carter to believe that he should hate me.  So she now had Carter on her side also.  

The girl I didn't know is basically a Eugenia, who really hates me for joining 5sos.  So I had, to put it simply, three psychopaths to deal with.  

I don't know why I was taking this so lightly, but I finally found myself in tears hearing all of this information coming from three close people in my life.  When it came to choosing friends and enemies, I really was not wise in that department.  

"So what are you going to do to me, huh?"  Steph laughed.  

"Why, don't you know?"  I shook my head.  She really is a psychopath.  "We're going to kill you!"  And she laughed again.  

I should have saw that one coming.  I closed my eyes thinking deeply about this.  Maybe it was for the best if they just killed me so I could keep the rest of my family safe and away from all of this stress.  

I sighed and looked back up to my three killers.  "Before you kill me, can I at least call someone?" 

They all turned around to ponder whether or not they should let me call.  Finally they agreed that I could.  

Steph held the phone up to my face and put it on speaker as I waited for my receiver to answer.  I was in tears now because I knew that he would be heartbroken once he hears this, but he was the last person I wanted to speak to.

"Katie?  Where are you.  Everyone in your family is worrying about you so much.  Heck, I'm worried about you.  Where are you?  I can-"

"Luke.  I just wanted to tell you that I love you, and I wish that I could have lived the rest of my life with you and be happy, but not everyone gets what they want.  And I'm going to miss you so much.  Also, when you find me, just think about the people in my life, and you'll figure out who did this to me.  I love you, Luke.  And I'll miss you. Goodbye."

I could hear his rambling on the other line as Carter put the gun to my head and pulled the trigger, and the next thing I felt was nothing.  



After I heard the gunshot, I was frozen.  I didn't know what to think. She loves me too!  But then I remembered the gunshot and the sudden drop I heard.  

I didn't even get to tell her that I loved her too.  I couldn't even feel anything in my body anymore.  

Three days later, I find myself talking to the cops, but I still haven't cried or felt anything.  They told me that Katie died.  

They still haven't found the killers, but I have a pretty good guess on who killed her.  But it didn't matter anymore.  She was dead.  And I couldn't do anything about it.  

Another day has passed and I still haven't cried.  My band mates believe that I'm depressed because I've barely spoken at all.  I haven't smiled, and I haven't been doing anything for the past days.  

Of course, everyone else who knew Katie are heartbroken also, but they don't feel what I feel.  I loved Katie, but she can't be reached anymore.  

The day of the funeral, I still hadn't found myself crying.  I was never much for crying, I guess.  But shouldn't I be crying over my lover's death?  

I left the funeral early and grabbed my acoustic guitar heading to the same park bench where Katie told me about her sister.  

I found myself playing random chords, but then I realized that I was creating a pretty catchy tune.  Most of it had minor chords in it, but it sounded nice.  

Before I knew it, I was writing down some lyrics.  And then I had a song.  

The guys found me here hours later.  I showed them the song, and they were impressed.  

But I still didn't cry.  

Two months later.  The song I wrote on that park bench is now one of 5sos's songs.  It plays on the radio and all of our fans love it.  

The first time, we perform it, I finally cry for the first time.  I wasn't embarrassed.  But now most of our fans know that the song makes me cry.  

What they don't know, is that the song is about the girl that hated me.  It's about the girl that despised what I did for a living.  It's about the girl that I fell in love with, and the girl that fell in love with me. 

Nobody knows what the song is really about, maybe they will in the future, but for now, it will always remind me of Katie.  The stubborn girl that got killed by her own curiosity.  


And that's the end.  I hoped you guys liked it.  I think that I did a not too shabby job for just making it up as I went along.  But, anyway, thank you for reading this.  I hope you weren't too confused.  

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