19. Let's Hopefully Make Up

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"She hasn't even texted! And are you sure she didn't ask about me when you called her? She didn't even sound the slightest bit curious?"

I watched as Cal Pal's head shook as a no. I sighed annoyed that Katie wouldn't even think of at least calling me back. Our last conversation left me worried like crazy.

What if she doesn't want to be in the band anymore? What if she loses interest in me? I had all of this going through my head, but I didn't realize how selfish I sounded. I was worried about myself and how Katie would like me still or not. I wasn't worried about Katie at all.

I knew that she was under a lot of stress recently because her friend just died, but I still found it odd that Ashton was at her friend's funeral. He wouldn't have to hide anything from us, and to lie about it. So I found that strange.

Then, when Katie started freaking out about it, I just got really worried and lost it. So now our relationship isn't in a very healthy spot right now, and Katie still hasn't responded.

"Don't worry about it, Luke. Girls are like this all the time. They just need time." I listened to Calum's words of wisdom pondering over whether or not I should believe it.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes telling myself that Katie just need time, and that was all.

Because I don't think I can go on any longer without knowing that Katie will be there for me. It's scary.


Explaining the situation to the cops was more detailed than I thought it would be. At first, they didn't believe me, so I had to explain in great detail about pretty much everything. And in my opinion, they were just straight up idiots.

They still did not understand what I was trying to let them know, and they couldn't connect April's death to Katrina's.

I guess after so long, I began to look pretty frustrated because they said that I could step out and take a break.

And so I did just that. Seeming as it was the perfect time to let Calum hear my new song. He did mention that his "lazy hours," as he called them, were right about now. So I got out my computer and found the file.

I had already typed out the music and recorded it with just me and my guitar. All I had to do was send it, but I wanted to see their reactions after they heard it, so I got on skype.

Callling them was easy. Immediately, I got an answer and up came, unfortunately, Luke's face.

"Oh my gosh. Katie, you're still alive." I rolled my eyes at Luke's joke.

"Yeah. Just busy, that's all." Luke's expression was disbelieving, but he just went along with it.

"So, I'm expecting a new song to hear, right?" I nodded and he flashed me his winning smile. I smiled back and sent the file to their email.

Luke called over Calum and Michael and I watched as their faces popped up in the screen. Luke concentrated on opening the file and then I heard the opening notes of the song come through.

All of the boys' faces looked like they were in deep concentration, which made me feel uncomfortable. Do they like it? Hate it? Or worse, they don't know what to do about it.

When the song ended I heard a little chorus of cheers come from everyone, except Luke. Luke was just looking down the whole time.

I peered closer into the screen and swore I saw a tear come from his eye. He was crying? Wow, I had no idea that the song would have such an effect on anyone.

"Luke? You okay there, buddy?" He tried to sneakily wipe his eyes, but I noticed, and he looked up.

"I'm fine. I really like the song, Katie. You have a knack for song writing."

I looked at the other boys and they nodded their heads in agreement. "This song is so gonna become number one," Michael says with excitement.

I smile. I'm glad they liked it. If they hated it, I would probably just give up and quit the band.

They all say goodbye to me, and Luke stays behind to speak with me. We were silent for a few minutes.

"Katie, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. That song really got to me, and well, I've really missed you. And I've finally just realized how much I need you." He looked so sincere that it made me almost want to cry, but I knew that I couldn't. This argument, that was so little, helped us realize how much we really do need each other.

I smiled and replied, "Luke, you've been so good to me. If anyone should be apologizing, it's me. I went a little nuts, but now I'm okay. Once Ashton gets back you'll understand."

He gave me a confused look but then looked relieved that we had made up. "So, about the song. I really did like it, but you know what would make it even better?"

"What?" I asked mischievously.

"My voice in it with yours." I gave him a look.

"You're so full of it! But yes, it would sound nice." Then I took a look at the time. It was just about time to head back to the cops. "Sorry, Luke but I have to get going right now. The cops need me."

He raised a suspicious eyebrow, but just shrugged. We said our goodbyes and logged off of skype.

Before I turned off my computer, I saw that I had a notification from my 5soshaterzz.com website. It was a comment from someone anonymous.

I know who killed your sister and your friend. Meet me on the corner of Prytania and Perrier at 8 p.m. on the dot if you want to find out anything. Do not tell anyone about this and do not bring anyone with you.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Who would know this? Why wouldn't this person tell the police right away if they knew? I didn't know if I was going to go or not, but I kept thinking that if this person knew, then I wouldn't have to keep wondering and feel unsafe.

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