4. Meeting the Band I Supposedly Hate

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"Are we there yet? I mean, isn't the concert almost over? My parents are probably looking for me," I complained while Luke still dragged me down more hallways. What was this boy doing all the way on the other side of the stadium?

"Oh, do you have any siblings here?" He asked with slight curiosity. I nodded.  I decided that I would follow him to get out of this stadium, but I tried to hold back my sadness.  This band really did make me remember the days of singing along to their songs with Katrina.  But I had to let these thoughts go and concentrate on getting out of here. "Well," he sighed, "Aren't you going to tell me his or her name?"

"Why do you want to know? You don't even know me?" He shrugged.

"Just 'cause." Ugh, this guy really got on my nerves. No wonder I hate 5sos so much. The lead singer is annoying as is, I'm expecting the rest of the band to be.

"Alright, alright! I'll tell you." He gave me a cheesy smile like he knew he was going to win. Whatever. I rolled my eyes. "Rebecca," I mumbled.

"What?" He's not serious, is he? I just lost a battle, and he wants me to repeat my answer?

I sighed overdramatically. "Rebecca is my sister's name. She's twelve." Luke just nodded as if he was approving or something. I watched as he looked down at his watch.

"The concert is supposed to be over soon. You want to call your parents or something, and we could have a meet and greet? You know, as an apology for running into you?" I nodded. I just wanted to get out of this dang place.

"I get you for apologizing, but I'll pass on your little meet and greet," I said while folding my arms. Who does he think he is for expecting me to suddenly not hate 5sos just for a meet and greet?

"I think your sister would have to think otherwise. Here, hand me your phone." I reluctantly handed him my phone. Where was he going with this?

I watched as he opened up the phone and tapped on my sister's conatct. One ring, two rings, three rings...

"Hello?" I heard my sister say on the other line. I watched Luke smirk as he was about to say something.

"Hi, this is Luke Hemmings. I-" I heard a scream on the other line and saw Luke pull the phone away from his ear.

"OMG! I can't believe you called me. Wait? Why are you on my sister's phone?" He glanced at me.

"Well, I have your sister in captive, and the only way to save her is for you and your parents to come backstage for a meet and greet with us guys." I heard yet another squeal and rolled my eyes. "Just come on back and I'll tell them you're with me."

"Thank you so much, Luke Hemmings!" Luke just laughed and told her see you soon and hung up. His eyes landed back on mine.

"Well, now you can find your way out of this maze and meet my mates." I scoffed. Mates, haha.

"You wish that I would love you guys, but honestly, I don't," I replied while Luke looked at me with disbelief. He thought that by now I wouldn't hate them? Well he thought wrong.

"Whatever. Then just do it for your sister." He continued to walk while I followed him. "So, if you hate 5sos, then what bands do you like?"

"Well, I prefer bands that are not 5sos." I simply answered back.

"Oh, come on Katie. Can you at least pretend that I'm not a member of 5sos and talk to me normally?" He asked this with a hint of desperation. I am not that interesting, but it's not like I'll see this guy again. I sighed.

"Fine! I like The Killers, Blink 182, Neon trees, Arctic Monkeys, the Fray," I paused. "Would you like me to continue?" I asked impatiently.

"You have a nice taste of music. Do you play anything?" the guy seriously looked curious about me. I thought I was an open book. Couldn't he see that I was a total dull piece of nothing?

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