13.Now Back to Reality

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Bee-

"Ugh! Stupid alarm!" I scream as I practically smash my little alarm going off earlier than I need it to. It was freaking 4 a.m.

But then I remembered why I was waking up so early. I had to go say goodbye to Luke and the band.

Or should I say my band?

All the events from last night came rushing into my mind. Joining 5sos. Playing some Blink for some guy named Mark Stevens from Big Time Records. Going out to Commander's Palace with One Direction and 5sos. Being bombarded with poparrazzi. And pretty much being blinded by camera flashes. Oh, and also, kissing Luke.

Then I remembered. Luke had told me that we weren't going to let out to the public that we were together. So we had to keep it hush hush.

I got slowly out of my bed and headed straight to the bathroom. Washing my face, I thought about my decision. I had to decided to go on tour with the guys starting in the summer. I was a little apprehensive as to what may happen over that long period of time, but I trusted Luke enough.

I finished my morning routine while changing into some jeans and a Life is Good t-shirt. I put my hair into a ponytail and headed down stairs.

Their flight was leaving to North Carolina at six, and I was to head over to their hotel just in time to say goodbye.

As I drove to my destination, I was starting to get that sad feeling. I knew that Luke and I would stay in touch, but I honestly was going to miss the guy so much. So, when I got near the hotel, I was nearly in tears, but I sucked it up and headed towards the front doors.

The four guys were in the lobby just hanging around. When they saw me walk in they all got up from their spots and headed towards me. And we kind of just all went into a giant group hug.

"I'm gonna miss ya, Katie," Calum said. "Oh, and we have an assignment for you."

"Oh?" I was surprised at first that they didn't want me to do anything as a member of the band, but now I had an assignment.

"We need you to write a song by January. So that gives you a long time. Can you do that?" They wanted me to write a song? "Oh, and could you make it about your experience in joining the band and meeting us?  But make it sort of like double meaning in case we want to actually publish it."

About my experience on joining the band?  Wow, I feel so honored. How could they even know if the song would be any good? But since they were asking me, I knew that I couldn't let them down. I gave Calum a smile. "Of course I can write a song for you guys. I'll even do the instrumental parts too."

Calum looked shocked when I agreed to do that part too. "Wow, that means a lot to us. Thanks, Katie." I just shrugged.

Then I looked over at the other three boys I had to say goodbye to. Ashton next...

"So, Ashton. It's been... nice." I said awkwardly. He just nodded and we shook hands.

I quickly headed over to Michael to escape that strange encouter with Ashton.

"Aww, Michael, I'm gonna miss you. And you know, my friend April has a little thing for you." I said with a wink. His eyes widened as I said this. Then he laughed.

"Then I'll be sure to keep in touch with her also." I smiled and gave him a hug. Then I looked over at Luke, dreading saying my goodbye.

"So, Lukey boy, I hear North Carolina has fried chicken also. But definitely not as good as New Orleans fried chicken," I tell him jokingly. I hear him laugh, but it had a hint of sadness in it. "But really, Luke. I'm gonna miss you."

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