15. Unfinished Business

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After my little make up with Carter, I decided to call Luke. He did say that he had a surprise for me, and I knew that he was in North Carolina by now.

It makes me sad to think that Luke is already so far away, and I was still in New Orleans where I wouldn't be able to see him for nine months straight. So as I dialed his number, I tried to think only happy thoughts and not sound sad once he answered.

After two rings, he answered.

"Katie! Hey," I heard his distant voice on the other line.

"Hey Luke. How's North Carolina?"

"Definitely not as cool as New Orleans. But hey, I did text you that I had a surprise. You wanna hear it?" he sounded pretty excited, so I eagerly told him to continue.  

What could his surprise be?  He seemed really excited about it, so I was curious.  I hadn't realilzed that I had zoned out when I heard Luke ask if I was still there.

"Katie?  You still there?"  

"Oh!  Yeah.  Sorry,"  I replied.  

"Okay, so as I was saying.  Our managers are cutting our tour short so we can have a longer break before our summer tour, and so that means I'll be seeing you sooner than you think.  Isn't it just great.  Instead of nine months, I'll be seeing you in five."  It sounded like he couldn't keep his excitement in any longer.  I was happy that I'd be seeing him soon, but five months is not that much of a difference.  

I tried to sound as exited as I could when I told him how happy I was, but I just couldn't hear it in my voice.  February is closer, I guess. 

After hanging up with Luke, I decided, since it was a Sunday, that I should do something with April.  It felt like we haven't hung out as friends in forever.  

I wanted to surprise her, so I hopped into my car and drove to her house.  I knew that April was dying to get some girl time in, and I haven't been the best of friends lately to her.  

As I neared her neighborhood, I noticed that there were cop cars and ambulances surrounding the home.  Worried, I quickly parked the car and ran towards her mom speaking to an officer.  

"Hi Mrs. Stacey.  Is everything alright?"  I cautiously asked her.  

The look in her eyes was terrifying.  She looked like she had just seen a ghost.  "Oh, Katie, sweetie.  April was just found dead in her room.  I don't know what happened, we just found her today.  And the police say that she's been dead for a day already.  And I know that I should've been keeping an eye on her, but-"  I stopped her and just gave her a hug.  Hearing these words were horrible.  April dead?  I couldn't believe it.  Who or why?  I just don't understand the logic of it.  

As we hugged, I realized that I was now in tears.  I don't know what the cause of April's death could have been, but I knew that she just didn't deserve it.  And there was no reason of why she died.  

That night, my mom and I stayed with April's mom because her husband was returning from a business trip.  We didn't want her to be all alone, because we just didn't know if there was a murderer out there or not.  

I felt like history was being repeated.  Another dead girl that I loved.  I don't think that I could take it any longer, with all this sadness.  




It just didn't feel right kissing her.  I knew that she had a boyfriend, but she said that she was going to get rid of him eventually.  We had both admitted that we were in love, but she was so young.  I thought that dating someone two years younger than me was something that I would never do.  I'm eighteen and she's only sixteen.  

"Babe, I love you so much.  Let's do it,"  She started stripping, and I gave her an incredulous look.  I didn't want to get arrested for doing anything.  She was just so innocent.  A virgin.  I was even surprised that she wanted me to take her virginity.

"I can't do that.  Not until you get rid of him.  It wouldn't be right,"  I told her sternly.  I saw her roll her eyes and sigh.   

"Jeez.  How many times do I have to tell you?!  He doesn't matter anymore.  I could care less if he catches us cheating!"  Her voice had risen and she was yelling.  She sounded like a spoiled brat right now.  

"Calm down.  I just don't feel right cheating.  So please, can you just stop whining like a child?"  I asked looking really and sounding really annoyed.  

I heard her shriek.  "Don't you dare call me a child, you know what you got yourself into."

"Same as for yourself."  She just groaned in frustration and stomped out the room.  

I sighed and shook my head.  I couldn't do this anymore.

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