5. Was it a Mistake?

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I have no idea what I'm doing. Our manager always keeps telling us to be careful around fans. And I would know from experience of the damage a crazy fan can do to you. But, I'm not going to go into detail about that mishap.

It's just that, when I ran into Katie in the hallway, I couldn't stop staring at her. She was gorgeous, even though she was five foot tall and feisty.

Then when I learned that she was talented in the musical department, I was hooked. Everything about her, I wanted to know more of.

It's not like it's normal for me to be obsessed over a fan like this. And she's not even a fan. She's a hater, and I could tell that the hate was genuine. She's not faking to get closer to us, and she's not some crazed fan that's pretty close to a psychopath.

But I keep on wondering why she hated us so much. When I asked her, she didn't even have a good reason. I had to find out the real reason behind her hate. There was obviously something behind her lies. She always tensed up when I asked her.

After she left, I couldn't help but be excited for when she would bring us around New Orleans. I've never been here, and even from the crappy brochures I've seen, it's looks like a pretty cool place.

"Luke!" I woke up from my daydream and saw Ash trying to tell me something.

"Huh?" I mumbled. All the guys were giving me looks.

"I said, isn't Katie quite the gal?" Ash raised his eyebrows at me. Where was he getting with this?

"Um yeah. She's really talented." I said back sheepishly. And it's true. I was blown away when she sang for us, and especially when she sang our song.

"So, what did you tell her when she was leaving?" I heard Michael ask. Oh, man, I should've told them about my plans.

"I- uh, sort of asked her to be our tour guide around here." And then I heard cheers and hoorays. "I thought you guys would be mad at me!"

"Oh, of course not! we definitely did not want some old geezer bringing us down Bourbon Street. And now that you found a seventeen year old willing to party, we're so game."Calum explained to me. Oh, they think she was willing to party? I guess I forgot to ask her about that. Oops. She sort of looked like a party gal, so I'd be fine.

"Thank goodness. I seriously thought you guys would kill my guts." Then Michael looked at me seriously.

"You like Katie." Where the hell did that come from?! Of course Michael would be the one to tell that I like Katie. But I just met her. How could I like her?

"Yeah, sure I like Katie. She's really talented." I said back kind of too fast and nervously.

"Naw, not like that, silly. You like like her." I rolled my eyes. Why was Michael asking me this? It's not really necessary.

"Pfft, as if." Michael just tsked while shaking his head as if he wouldn't hear of it.

"Lie. But since you won't admit it, change of subject." I stared at him. "Where do you go in this strange town anyway?" I shrugged. I honestly didn't know. I mean, from the brochures, there was the French Quarter and all that, but honestly, I had no idea what was in this town.

I decided that I should call Katie. She would know all the secrets and local places. Jeez, I couldn't stay away from this girl.

I carefully dialed her number.

"Hello?" I heard her sweet voice on the other line.

"Um, hey, it's Luke." I sounded so nervous. I cleared my throat.

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