11.What to do now?

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Hi guys.  So I hope you guys are liking the story so far.  It's going to get a whole lot more crazy, I promise.  Just keep on reading and you'll start to love it.  Thank you everyone for reading.  It's greatly appreciated. :)



As I drove through the night, I saw the 'Welcome to New Orleans' sign pass by.  I was almost there.  For the past year, I have been cooped up in my uncle's house all the way in Mississippi, and I was starting to get some sort of accent.  So I thought that it was about time for me to head back to my hometown of New Orleans to visit my mom and see my friends again.  

I was kind of nervous to see one person in particular.  Katie Burns.  She and I have been great friends ever since I can remember.  In pre-school, we would always have play dates with each other almost everyday.  Then in lower school on up we couldn't be broken apart, and those were the good days.  We were inseparable, that is, until her twin sister died. 

Katrina Burns's death was tragic, yes, but it affected everyone in relation to her way too much.  Katie was unable to get through to by anyone.  She always seemed to have some glassy look over her eyes, and she just ignored everything in life after the death.  I thought that she was pretty much depressed.  

Of course, I couldn't stay in New Orleans after the death.  The police had told me that it was too unsafe for me to stay according to the conditions. 

You see, I was part of the Katrina Burns murder case.  I witnessed the whole thing, and that's apparently a bad thing.  So the cops told me to move away for a year, and that I could return after a year.  I was heartbroken.  I had to be separated from all of my friends, and especially Katie, when she needed me most.  

They didn't even let me say goodbye, so Katie never even knew why I left so suddenly.  Even my mom couldn't let anyone know what had happened.  

So now it's my job to fix everything that I've left behind.  I know that Katie is hurt from me leaving her, and I even think that I'm in love with her.  But will she ever want to even be friends with me anymore?



Katie really did shock me.  And it wasn't just when she kissed me.  It was also when she told me her really heartbreaking story about her sister.  So now I understood why she hates us so much.  

I asked her if I could tell the guys and she said that she'd tell them for me.  I tried not to show my relief when she said this.  I would hate telling the guys this story, but it would probably be even harder for her to tell it.  

The whole time Katie told me about her sister, she never really let out a big sob or started to ball her eyes out.  She was really strong, and the only thing that she did let out was a few silent tears.  I couldn't help brushing them away.  I mean, she kissed me.  That means she like me, right?

But I had no idea where she thought that kiss would take her.  I was leaving town in a few days, and we would always be apart.  So if she was looking for some kind of relationship, then it wasn't looking too good.  

Then again, I was starting to like her too.  So what do we do now?  Long distance relationship?  Oh heck no.  Those never end well.  

Maybe she'll want to come on tour with us.  But then again, she still has to finish her senior year of high school.  

I kept trying to think of ways that she could stay with me, but then it hit me.  I had the absolute greatest idea yet, but I had to go to five friends of mine to actually have my plan go through. 

I opened up my phone with excitement.  If I could be with Katie...  That sounds so amazing right now.  I went to my contact list and looked for the person I was thinking of.  

Niall Horan. 

Ah, there we are.  I had the best picture for him.  It was some strange face I caught mid-action of him while he was eating a doughnut, and it made him look like a fat pig or something.  I laughed remembering when I took the picture.  

I pressed call and listened to the rings.  

"Hey, Lukey boy!  How've you been?"  I heard the Irish accent and knew right away that it was him.  

"Hey Niall.  I just had a little favor in mind.  Do you think you and your boys could help me out with it?"

"Sure, buddy.  We'd be happy to help.  What can I do for ya?"  

"Well, it's kind of a long story, so can we meet up and talk it over?" 

"Yeah.  Actually we just finished our little meet and greet for the day, so I can meet up now.  How about the hotel in twenty minutes?"  

"Sure.  See you then."  I hung up while smiling madly.  My plan is so going to work, and I hoped that Katie liked what I was going to do for her.  



My lips are still red and tingly from that kiss between Luke and I.  And it was only just yesterday afternoon. Why didn't I feel this weird around him before?  I mean, he's pretty handsome and all that, but I never had that sensation to kiss him.  

Oh my gosh.  I'm turning into one of those crazed fans, aren't I?  This is really bad.  

After I had my talk with Luke, I decided that I would let go of my grudge against them.  I knew that Katrina would've wanted me to because for heaven's sake I was practically friends with them now.  Katrina would kill to be in my position, but she's dead.  

It felt good to finally let go.  So here I am now, on You Tube, searching 5 Seconds of Summer to listen to their songs.  

I know, I know.  I really am turning into such a fangirl.  But at first, I really did love the band.  I thought that their music was pretty good, and since I haven't heard much of their newer songs I decided that I would listen to them now.  

Then I heard the doorbell ring.  I groaned because I just got comfy and headed down towards the front door.  I peeked through the window and my eyes widened in shock. 

It was Carter!  My childhood ex-best friend that I now hate.  I had to hate him because he left me when I was at my lowest point.  Right after Katrina died, he left and didn't even give me a reason or say goodbye.  And now he's here at my front doorstep expecting me to let him in?  

Well, we'll just have to see how that goes down.  

I peeked through the window again and saw his green eyes full of desperation.  I noticed that he had gotten taller, and his brown hair had gotten longer.  He had less freckles than the last time I saw him, but they were still pretty prominent.  I used to tease him so much about those freckles.  

He also seemed to have muscled up a bit, and was looking pretty hot.  But I had to keep my mind off of these thoughts.  

I opened the door and looked into his eyes with a glare.  "What do you want, Carter?"  

"Katie!  Thank you so much for opening the door.  You have not idea how much I've missed you this pass year.  And I think I'm falling in love with you, because we've been friends since-"  I stopped him.  He's been falling in love with me?  He can't do that when he just leaves without any explanations.  

"Stop.  You can't fall in love with me.  Just go home.  I might call you tomorrow, Carter, but don't keep your hopes up.  You really hurt me."  I saw his face sadden.  

I tried not to lose my edge while I watched him look at me with one last pleading glance before turning around and walking away. 

Did Carter really love me?  Why did he suddenly come back to New Orleans now?  He just can't love me now when I'm starting something with Luke.  But what can come out of Luke and me?  He's a famous celebrity and I'm just Katie.  But only one thought went through my mind as I watched my childhood friend drive away.

Could I let him back into my life after what he did?  

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