16. The Funeral

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The police said that it was definitely a murder.   Autopsy tests had proven that April was strangled then shot in the head twice.  Her mother had found her under a tarp in her backyard.

I was currently sitting in a interviewing room with two cops staring at me curiously.  They were questioning me about April.  

"So, your're one of April's friends?"  The man cop asked in a chillingly friendly way.  I smiled and replied with a yes.  

"When did you and April first become friends?"  I thought hesitantly while thinking back to when we first met.  And to really tell you the truth, I honestly don't remember the time when we first became friends.  

The first time April and I had met was odd.  I used to be pretty nerdy, not that I still am not, but April was super popular.  It used to be just Katrina and I hanging out with an occasional friend, but they were never that close.  So anyway, it was strange.  Back then Katrina and I used to be good friends with this exchange student.  He was to attend our high school for two years, and Katrina fancied him so bad.  

I mean, he was hot, and Australian.  His name was Josh Whitey, he had sandy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, gorgeously tan skin, and a killer body.  Eventually, Katrina and he started going out.  I remember he kept talking about his best mate back at home.  

He talked about how his friends was amazingly good at playing the drums, and how he just joined a band that was pretty good.  

This was before Katrina and I had found out about 5SOS. 

So, during the two years that Josh was in town, his best mate came for a visit.  I thought that it was really sweet of his friend to come visit Josh all the way from Australia.  

His name was Ashton, and when he visited I had no idea that he was to be the Ashton Irwin of 5 Seconds of Summer.  

When he visited, I never really saw him.  I only knew that he came for a visit.  Katrina saw him, and she probably would've freaked out if she knew that it was Ashton Irwin.  

So, after Ashton left, the popular girl, April suddenly started hanging out with us.  Now, don't get me wrong, but she wasn't mean to us at all.  I just thought that it was strange how all of a sudden she wanted to hang out with Katrina and I.  

She also took a strong liking towards Josh, and that didn't make Katrina too happy.  I remember April would always ask strange questions about Ashton to Josh.  

Then, after Josh went back to Australia, April still hung out with me.  I guess she wasn't faking it.  But I just always found that so strange.  We never really became friends in a natural way.  

I looked up at the two officers.  I had just told them everything that I knew about April, and they didn't seem like they could make any connections to her murder with my information.  

They excused me from my interview and I headed outside for some fresh air.  As soon as I walked out the front door, I saw April's mother.  She and I were never really that close, and from what April had told me, their relationship was inseparable.  

She looked as though she was about to break down in tears, but I could tell that she was trying to be brave.  I gave her a reassuring hug, and she hugged me back tightly.  We stayed like this for awhile, and it felt good. 

She pulled away and gave me a serious look.  "Katie, honey?"

"Yes Mrs. Stacey?"  I replied.

"April's funeral is scheduled for tomorrow.  Do you mind if you could help me organize a bit by getting any close friends or people from school to come?"  I nodded agreeing to her request.  

We said our goodbyes and I continued to my car while dialing Luke to tell the guys the news.  

"Luke,"  I said seriously as I heard him pick up.  

"Hello Katie.  You sound off?  You OK?"  He asked with worry in his voice.  

"Um, I called to let you guys know that April was found dead at her house.  She was my best friend if you don't remember."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Katie.  She seemed like a nice person.  Are you okay?  Was it a murder?"  He suddenly sounded frantic as if I was about to die at that second.

"I'm fine.  The police have it all under control, but they did say that it was a murder.  So could you let the guys know?  I know that Michael will be devastated to hear about this."

"Of course, Katie.  Ashton's away visiting family, his mom's sick.  So I'll let him know as soon as he gets back."  

"Oh, gosh.  Let him know that I want his mother to get well soon,"  I replied.

"Of course Katie.  I have to go, but stay safe, alright?"

"Will do. Bye, Luke."  And he hung up.  I couldn't help but think how awkward that conversation was.  The more time we spent apart the stranger our relationship got.  I knew that this long distance thing wouldn't end well.  I would just have to hope for the best, though.  


I stared at myself in the mirror.  I had on a short black dress with some short black boots on.  Today was April's funeral, and I still couldn't believe that she was dead.  The last time I remembered talking to her was at school, and it was about me.  I just wish that I knew what was going on with her.  

But I couldn't blame myself for her death.  

"You ready to go, Katie?"  I snapped out of my thoughts and turned around to see my mom standing at my door.  I just nodded in return, and we headed over to the church.  

By Mrs. Stacey's request, I got most of April's friends to attend.  News got around quick about her death, so it wasn't too hard.  After April had suddenly became my friend, she lost her popularity.  She didn't seem bothered by it, so we just went on with life.  

So when I went around looking for some of her friends, I was having some problems.  I just got as many people to come even though April was only really close to me.  

At the funeral, there were many tears shed, but I couldn't find myself crying.  I didn't shed one single tear.  

I looked around and noticed some people from school who I heard talking bad about April.  They were crying their eyes out pretending that she was really close.  

Bull poop, I thought.  

I continued to look around until I noticed a figure standing in the back of the church in the corner.  He looked an awful lot like someone I knew.  

I respectfully got up from my pew and headed in his direction.  As I got closer I saw his face, and instantly opened my mouth in shock.  

Why was Ashton at April's funeral?!

Before I could walk up to him and ask, he noticed me and instantly ran out of the church.  

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