8. An Invasion

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I really was not expecting myself to miss Katie, but you have to admit, that goodbye was pretty heart wrenching. It's been only a day since we said our goodbyes, and I was really considering on seeing her again.

I mean, what else am I supposed to do? The band is supposed be in town for a whole week, and Katie lives here. I can't stop thinking about her.

She was so nice to us even though she supposedly hates us.

But there had to be a reason behind her hate. I mean, I've seen a few people who thought we were too 'boy band' or whatever, but I can tell that she has a real reason to hate us.

It seemed like she didn't want to see me or the rest of the band again, so I've been trying to keep my distance. I haven't called or texted her, and I think I'm losing my mind.

We're supposed to be going to North Carolina after this, and well, I honestly will miss New Orleans. I mean this place is pretty awesome. Parties and all that.

"Luke. Earth to Luke." I had to wake up from my daydream. We were sitting in Taqueria Corona's, a Mexican restaurant, past the closing time. We didn't want any people attacking us, so this is what we had to do.

I looked around at all the empty tables and the two people working behind the counter. This place would look so much more better if it were full of people.

Michael had to shove me awake from my thinking. "What are you thinking about?" I shrugged. I always found Mikey the best at giving advice, but tonight, I didn't feel like sharing my thoughts with anyone.

Michael just gave me a look of disbelief. I took a bite into my taco and tried to avoid eye contact with anyone.

Ash and Calum were arguing over something stupid, and thank goodness they didn't pay any attention towards my deep thoughts.

Michael sighed. "Come on Luke. I know that something is up. So spill." I took a nervous sip of my soda. Just ignore him, I thought. Then maybe he would leave me alone.

"Is it Katie? You miss her right?" How did he guess that so fast? I looked at him shocked.

"What makes you think that?!" he laughed. I'm pretty sure Michael is a mind reader.

"I knew it! You're so hung up on Katie." I glared at him, but he was right. I was hung up on her.

"Fine, you're right Michael. But it's not like I can do anything about it." Michael's face saddened.

"There must be some real reason why she hates us so much though. Maybe you could ask her?" Where was Michael going with this? What good would it do if I asked Katie why she hated us? It's not like she'll open up to me.

"There's no use in that." Michael just sighed and moved in his chair to face me. He means buisness, I guess.

"Just call her and ask her if you could meet up with her before we leave. I know you like her." Michael had a point there, but did Katie really want to see me again?

I just told Michael maybe and went outside for some fresh air. I hate it when people pry into my buisness.

I breathed in the nice fall air and looked around. Apparently I was on the famous Magazine Street, and from the looks of it, the street was pretty dull.

There was some old folks' home across the street and some condos next door, but from the looks of it, it wasn't some dazzling street with lights and lots of advertisements.

I closed my eyes and smelled the faint hint of Mexican food. Mexican food smells really good.

Then all of a sudden I felt a hand over my mouth and I was being dragged away. I started to squirm to see who was hurting me.

If this was Eugenia again, I swear, I would probably not be able to trust any of my fans anymore. How many crazy people are out there, like seriously.

I caught a glimpse of some long blonde hair. Who had blonde hair that would want to do this to me?

This kidnapper was most definitely a girl, but her face was covered with a ski mask so I could not see her. I kept trying to call out for help, but the hand over my mouth was on too tight.

When I finally felt my kidnapper stop, I noticed that we were in an alley way of some kind. The kidnapper replaced her hand with a cloth. I saw her move away from me and talk to someone next to her.

The other person was a dude, and he had a ski mask on too. They were arguing over something.

Who the heck were these people? Then I noticed the girl come up to me.

"Are you Luke Hemmings?" She asked it rather harshly through her ski mask, and I tried kicking her in the shins or something but they had me tied in a chair. And these ropes were pretty tight around my legs and arms.

I didn't want to answer, and it's not like I could answer. My mouth was covered. I guess that's what they expected of me. Just a nod or shake of my head.

I refused to answer and so I got a nice kick in the shin from the other dude. I groaned in pain. That was definitely going to leave a bruise.

He had a hard kick, I tell you.

"Just answer the question!" My eyes widened. Why do they need to know? Can't they just look at my face?

I reluctantly nodded a yes. These people are now going to attack me or something just because I'm Luke Hemmings.

The blonde girl went up to me. "Do you happen to know a girl named Katie Burns? About seventeen years old and really short. Has a sister." I was shocked at her question.

Yep, I knew just the girl, but why did they want to know where she was? And how did they know that I knew her?

I shook my head as an answer of no. I had to protect Katie, no matter what. She's just so fragile. I hope the people believed my answer.

Thankfully, the blonde girl let me go. She untied the ropes and told me to run away as fast as I could and not mention anything about what just happened. I did as she told me, but I knew that I would come back.

When I got back, I told the guys what happened. We went back to the spot in the alleyway, and they were gone, as was the chair. There was no sign of any action.

I got really worried. All I could think about was Katie and how there were people after her. I had to call and tell what's happened. She could be in danger. Who knew what those people could do to her. They seemed like some sort of serial killers.

The guys told me to call the cops, but we didn't have any evidence to show them. I called them anyway and told them the little details that I knew. They told me that they would keep a look out for Katie and make sure she was okay.

I sighed with relief, but I still had to call her and warn her. I picked up my phone and dialed her number.

She didn't answer so I called her again. She still did not answer.

I was shaking so much and I didn't even realize how scared I probably looked. This caused the guys to look at me strangely.

"Hey, Luke, you need some rest. Come on, it's late. You can call Katie tomorrow. The cops said that they would keep a lookout for any suspicous activity around her house so she'll be fine tonight. Quit worrying," Ash assured me. He came over and put his arm over my shoulder.

We all went back to the hotel, but that night, I couldn't sleep. All I could do was worry for Katie. What if she turns up dead the next morning? Or the two creeps come and take her away while she's deep in her sleep?

Looking over at the clock, I noticed that it was 3 a.m. I slowly closed my eyes as I prayed for Katie's safety that night and fell deep into my slumber.

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