The first {1}

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Jihoon's POV

Today was the first day of collage, I was happy of starting collage because this collage teaches you about music and how to produce, dance, and sing

For me I would love to become a Kpop idol, me and my friends already agreed to make our own group and we already chose a name for our group

Our group name is SEVENTEEN

But the sad part is that most of them won't be attending this collage with me

The people who are going to be with me are

S coups






And of course me, Woozi

The good part is that I'm going to have friends this year

Your POV

I went to visit the collage, and look around the place so I could get used to it

I was walking through the buildings, and was listing to music, I didn't really have friends so music was the only thing calming my nerves down, yes I was nervous

I started spacing out and was still walking,

Until I bumped into someone

??: hey! watch were your going next time

Y/n: I'm sorry

Another guy was standing next to the guy I bumped into

???: excuse me, but are you okay, I'm sorry about my brother, my name is woozi, and his name is Yo- erm I mean Suga

Y/n: no, it's alright it was my fault I wasn't paying attention, my name is Y/n by the way

Suga: let's just go, we need to find the office

Y/n: is it okay if I tag along I need to find the office as well

Woozi: that will be fine with us

Y/n: ah, thanks a lot

I bowed to them to show respect

Woozi: no need to be formal

We started walking to the office
It was an awkward silence between us three, it was even more awkward because I was the only female

Woozi: so what brings to this collage

Y/n: I want to become a producer

Suga: oh cool, we both want to be a producer as well, was kind of music are you going to make

Y/n: I'm probably going to become a solo artist but if I'm in a group with more people im fine with it, so basically I want to become a kpop idol

Woozi: same here

After a few more minutes of talking we arrived to the main office

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