Back then

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Sorry guys I'm in vacation right now and I've been visiting family and stuff so I'm sorry I haven't uploaded on YouTube or here
But anyway
Back to the story



Mark grabbed my hand

I was surprised u haven't seen him sense high school


Mark: don't waste your time here

He pulled me out of the cafeteria

Mark: I never thought I will see you again Y/n

Y/n: same here, are the others here too

Mark: yeah they went inside to get food as well

Y/n: taeyong is here right?

Mark: yeah, even though you guys aren't together anymore he still forgives you

Y/n: yeah I forgive him, we can all be friends right?

Mark: yeah BEST friends

Y/n: even though it's still kinda awkward

Mark: come on let's go meet the others

We went inside the cafeteria and went to the table he grabbed my wrist

Mark: I'll go grab food for both of us

Y/n: okay

Jisoo: oooooooooooooooooooh who's that cute guy

Y/n: a friend from High school

Lisa: he's hella cute

Y/n: You haven't seen the rest of them

Jennie: Asuna j want you to meet Stray Kids and Day6

Y/n: annyeonghaseyo je ileum-eun Asunaibnida

They all introduced themselves to me and the NCT came to the table

Mark gave me my food and sat down

I turned around and saw my best friend


Lucas: Y/N

I stood up and hugged him tight

Y/n: it's been so long

Lucas: it was, I missed you~

He kissed my cheek

Lucas was like an older brother even though he like a dad

My eyes met with taeyong's

I hugged him, I was happy to see all of them here

Y/n: please forget about the past, let's be best friends

I could feel him nod without hesitation

???: HEY what about us

Y/n: Johnny, Ten, jaehyun ~

I hugged them all

I noticed that I was crying

Suddenly I felt someone giving me a back hug putting his hands around my waist, and his head on my shoulder

Taeyong: it's okay Best friend we are here for you, we will by your side no matter what, anyway let's eat

He kissed my cheek at the end

We all sat down on the table and introduced themselves to the others

Jennie: hey, Asuna, why are they calling you Y/n, are you Park Y/n

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