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I was afraid of them coming back

I put one of Woozi's arms around my shoulder and helped him walk to dance class

Woozi: I don't think I can dance today, sir

He said in an apologetic voice, and look

Teacher: can someone fill in for you?

Woozi: I don't know sir

Teacher: just go and rest okay?

Woozi: yes sir

I took woozi and headed to the guys

Y/n: take care of him

I went to my group ( black pink )

The teacher gave us a choice on doing a dance with partners, we decided we are going to do it together, a few people went on before us

Now it was our turn, we just did a dance that popped on the top of our heads that we all knew

We went to the middle and started dancing

A/n: your the one in the tank top
I'm sorry I still don't know their names

I went back to my seat and remembered that Woozi was looking at me the whole time

Why do I like him, I just met him yesterday, I can't love him, I hate this feeling

I blushed and looked down

Jennie: hey are you okay, Asuna

Y/n: yeah I'm fine

I smiled at her, and paid attention to the others dancing

Time skip

After class I changed into my regular cloths and went to Woozi to help him

Once I went back to the class and saw him sleeping he looked very uncomfortable

Y/n: hey Woozi wake up, we have to go to class

Woozi: 5 more minutes

Y/n: no, get up

Woozi: why

Y/n: because we have to go to class and if we don't we will get in trouble

Woozi: what class do you have next

Y/n: I'll tell you until you stand up, or even open your eyes

Woozi: I can't stand up, but I guess I can open my eyes

He opens his eyes and looked at me

His face was close to mine so I took a small step back

Woozi: so,... What class do you have next

Y/n: technology

Woozi: aww, we don't have the same class together, can we skip

Y/n: no, I want to get good grades this year

I looked at his foot and saw that the wound got worse

Y/n: okay let's skip, but instead of leaving school we need to go to the nurse's office

Woozi: okay fine

He pounted and he looked so cute

Y/n: let's go than

He grabbed my hand and got up with one foot, he grabbed my waist and our faces were a few centimeters apart I could feel his breath against my lips, he was moving closer to me, I decided to closed my eyes getting ready, his lips are now brushing mine

I heard the door open and we quickly pulled away

Lisa: ASUNA I HAVE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE, we have to go to class

I blushed liked a red tomato, I looked at her calming myself down

Y/n: I don't think I'll be going I have to take Woozi to the nurse's office

Lisa: oh okay, do you need help

Y/n: no I'm fine, thanks

With that she left

I looked at Woozi who was still blushing

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