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Tzuyu was staring at me

I smiled and waved and looked in front of the class

Gosh that girl

It was like another day, A LOT OF HOMEWORK

I went to the studio after the lecture was done, were woozi and tzuyu were

I was there with a bag of chips

And a bottle of coke

°life ❤

I was working till I heard a knock on the door

Y/n: who is it

???: just open the door, I need to tell you something important

I got up, and opened the door, I regret it, it was tzuyu

Y/n: can I help you?

Tzuyu: who are you

Y/n: a living organism like you.

Tzuyu: eww, wtf, is you know what I meant

Y/n:??? What are you talking about

Tzuyu: what's your last name

Y/n: choi

Tzuyu: where do you live

Y/n: in house

Tzuyu: ugh, just tell me if you are a Park!

Y/n: and what if I am, what will you do


Y/n: exactly, you have nothing, why even ask me if your not going to say anything, my name is Choi Asuna

Tzuyu: ugh, I hate you!

Y/n: well that's one thing that makes us similar

She stormed off

Okay back to work

20 minutes later

*knock knock*

Y/n: who is it

Woozi: *opens door* it's me

Y/n: oh hi, what is it

Woozi: did Mrs. Song say that we can collaborate?

Y/n: yeah she did, why

Woozi: well I want to collaborate with you, I'm already making a song, so it's going to be me, you, vernon, and S.coups

Y/n: sounds like fun, here is what I made

I showed him the song that I was working on, and he showed me his

We decided to merge the ideas together

2 days later

We finally finished the instrumental of the song, and now the lyrics

We had a lot of ideas, we even made a meeting with S.coups and Vernon

We all decided to do a love song, named Q&A

This was going to be our project for Art, production/technology, and vocal, performance, and writing project

We were even instructed to make an MV for it

Which was going to my favorite part of all

1 month later

We finally finished with the lyrics

I gotta say it was fun, I had a lot alone time with jihoon, but we mostly worked, it was really fun though

Now it was time to record the song

1 week later

Finished once again, now for the MV

My favorite part, we went to my apartment and a high school that was near the campus  to film

2 days later

Y/n: this is fun

Woozi: your not the one cleaning

Y/n: correction, I'm the one editing  and doing your makeup, food, and this id my apartment, and I'm not the one who dropped popcorn all over the floor

Woozi: why do I love you

Y/n: I don't know, I'm not you

I went to the kitchen to cook for them

After an hour I finished cooking for the guys

They went running to the kitchen like little kids getting candy

Y/n: you guys look like little kids

Vernon: it's not our fault your a good cook

S.coups: yeah it is, jeonghan is a good at cooking as well but yours us way better than his

Y/n: thanks, I guess

I have met all the members of seventeen, they are very sweet and very nice (😉)

Woozi: I feel lucky

Vernon: yeah you are

Vernon hugged jihoon, and he looked very uncomfortable, he's so cute, and handsome

Woozi: aish get off of me

Vernon: no.

Woozi: now

Vernon: no.

Woozi: I'm going to kick you ass

Vernon: okay chill

Vernon stopped hugging him, he was very uncomfortable, so I was going to play again

Y/n: why don't we have a group hug

S.coups looked at me confused, I gave him a sign with my eyes, it took a bit for him to notice what I was trying to do

We all hugged woozi

He looked so cute, but kinda mad

Woozi: guys get off me

He sounded really pissed

We all stopped hugging him

Then he pulled me towards him

Woozi: not you

Vernon: how rude!

Woozi:what she's my girlfriend after all

S.Coups: I'm your leader, you'll have to obey me

Woozi: no, your not my girlfriend

Y/n: okay now let's just eat, the food is getting cold

Artistic love (Woozi FF)Where stories live. Discover now