Adore you~

492 5 1

Sorry that song is stuck in my head

We arrived at the main office and checked in

Sorry I don't go to collage yet so yeah, I have no idea what the fuck I'm saying

Woozi: well I'll see you around Y/n

Suga: it was nice meeting you

Y/n: I'll see you guys around if God want, it was nice meeting you guys as well

I walked back to my apartment, and chill for a few hours, yes I am lazy but seriously who isn't these days???

Once I got there I went to the elevator
and hit the the 9th floor button, once I went to the 7 floor saw Woozi again, but this time he wasn't with suga

Woozi: oh hey Y/n, do you live here as well?

Y/n: oh, hey, Woozi, yes I do live here, I'm living in the 9 floor

Woozi: well I think we can walk together to school, I live in the 11 floor

Y/n: oh cool you live on the top floor, you've must've the best view

Woozi: it's alright, that sad part is that it's supper cold up their

He walked inside the elevator and we stood there in an awkward silence

Y/n: where is Suga, I noticed that he wasn't with you this time

Woozi: oh yeah he lives in the 7th floor

We stood there in more silence until the elevator said it was at the 8th floor

Y/n: welp, I guess I will see you aro-

I heard and felt a sudden stop coming from the elevator

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