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We were heading towards Suga's apartment to talk about his group

We got there and we were talking about him and BTS

Suga: I don't believe you

Woozi: believe me I only hid it from you because I didn't want your friendship to break because of me

Suga: who was it, I don't believe that hobi tae or jin would do that

Woozi: it was jungkook, rm, and jimin

Suga: rm? I didn't know he would do that he isn't the type to bully other people

Woozi: well he is, just talk to them, and everything will be fine

Suga: okay, I will

We said our goodbyes and left

We entered the elevator and it was complete silence

Until I felt his head dropping onto my shoulder

Jihoon: I finally got the weight off my chest

I padded his head

Y/n: yeah hopefully they stop

Jihoon: your birthday is coming up

Y/n: yeah, what about it

Jihoon: should we celebrate

Y/n: I don't care at this point

Jihoon: buy you have seventeen and black pink with you why not we van make a party

Y/n: too much human interaction

Jihoon: human interaction???

I felt his hand going under my shirt and moving up my spine

Jihoon: this isn't enough for you??

Because his head was on my shoulder he started kissing my neck

Y/n: yah. Let's just go eat I'm hungry

I pushed his head away and his arm and dragged him out of the elevator that just had stopped to the 1st floor into the lobby and left

Y/n: why are you so needy these today, your getting annoying

Jihoon: your calling this annoying???

He said while pointing at his face

Y/n: your cuteness is

I said in a sassy way

Jihoon: I feel hurt even though I hate being called cute

I intertwined our fingers and walked to a near restaurant serving breakfast

We were just eating and talking

After eating we went to class

1st lecture was fast, I put everything into my bag and left I saw woozi

But instead of seeing him on his phone waiting for me  like usual I saw him on the floor covered in bruises

I ran too him

Y/n: what happened

Jihoon: they didn't stop

Once he said that I heard someone clapping behind me

I looked behind me and saw jungkook

Jungkook: why didn't you tell me you were my fiance

Y/n: didn't your parents tell you that the deal was over

Jungkook: they did but I didn't agree, u always get what I want

Y/n: you spoiled brat

Me and woozi stood up

Jungkook: what did you say

He grabbed my shoulder and shoved me to the wall but jihoon grabbed his arm arm, but jungkook thought fast and pushed jihhoon away from me making him fall and slide further away from me

He tried getting up but he was already beaten half to death

I tried to run to him and help him but jungkook stopped me

Jungkook: I won't let you go

If you don't answer my question

Y/n: I said you and ignorant spoiled brat that was made out of pieces of shit

Junkook: your going to regret that lil kitty

He put his hands on my neck and with his other hand he traced my jawline

I tried to push him away but the more I tried the more pressure he would put on his hand in my neck maligning even harder to breath

I felt tears running down my cheeks

I looked over at jihoon, he was still on the floor trying to stop coughing blood

One of his hands slid down the middle of my breast and he untucked my shirt making his hand go into my shirt

I could feel his bare hand on my waist

I hated thus feeling i gated it thus was sexual abuse 

I tried to scream but nothing came out

Everything started getting blurry

Black and white colors started taking over

I felt the tension suddenly stop

I heard someone call my name

I don't know who u could barley see anything I felt someone's arm around me

Until everything became black

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