The start

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It been a 3 weeks sense me and taeyong started "dating" again

To be honest, I kinda miss the old days, but I still couldn't forget what he did to me in highschool

Flash back

Taeyong was acting weird these few days, today I followed him to the rooftop, he has been my boyfriend, 1 years already

When j got to the rooftop I saw something I never wanted to see in my whole life,

He was cheating on me

I saw him making out with the slut at school

I hid my tears, I put my headphones on and blasted my favorite song which was come back home by: 2ne1 

I left the building and continued my day, I left and went home

I saw that lucas mark and Johnny were following me

I took off my headphones because I knew they were going to say something about taeyong, after what I saw, I don't care, I hate him, he doesn't deserve my tears my feelings,

Mark: hey y/n, where's taeyong

Y/n: you ho ask, him, I don't care about that piece of shit anymore

Lucas: did you guys fight?

Y/n: he's cheated on me

Johnny: why didn't you tell us, we are here for you

Y/n: I didn't tell you because, I don't care anymore, this had helped to me too many times, that if they cheat on me, it doesn't effect me anymore

Johnny: I'm sorry y/n I wasn't there for you, when you were hurt

Y/n: nah, it's alright, I'll just take a break on love and focus on my studies

Lucas: that's my girl~

Mark: yeah he should be ashamed that he left you

Y/n: do you guys want to hang out, and play games

Mark: yes plzzz

Y/n: okay come on

We went to my house and played video games almost the whole day, but before we played I did my homework, because I'm really headed towards my dream

After we played we said our good byes

Next day

I went to my class, I saw someone running towards me with a huge smile

Taeyong: Hey y/n

Y/n: hi I guess

Taeyong: what do you mean I guess, I'll be by your side

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