Oh well

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I looked at him and laughed he was now doing kiyomi now

Y/n: stop fooling around get up

Woozi: your just jealous because I'm cuter than you

Y/n: yeah, sure let's go with that

I said in a sarcastic voice, I got up and grabbed his hand and dragged him around the elavator

Woozi: what are you doing!

I can tell that he was fully awake now

Y/n: I'm trying to wake up and stop the cute baby of yours

Woozi: did you just call be Cute!

Y/n: yeah what's wrong with that

Woozi: I don't like it

Y/n: here watch this

Hehehehehe yes I did record the whole conversation with him half asleep

I handed him my phone and he saw himself doing kiyomi

Woozi: why did you record it~

Now he was whining, I kinda felt bad, but in the same he was blushing

Y/n: probably because I never seen someone look handsome and cute at the same time


I felt my face getting red and reder by the second

Woozi: tell me about your self each time you say something I'll say something about myself, okay?

Y/n: oh,.. Okay

I didn't know what to say because I usually keep everything to myself

Y/n: I guess I like watching anime, and k-dramas

Woozi: do you even know what they are saying, just saying because anime is Japanese after all

Y/n: you do know that there are captions, right?

Woozi: oh, yeah I guess so

He looked defeated after I said that and I felt bad

Y/n: hey, I didn't mean it in a rude way,  I also speak and understand Japanese, I am part, American, Japanese, and Koran, so yeah I under stand 3 languages

Woozi: oh yeah?! Prove it!

He smirked and I giggled

Y/n: which one do you want me to speak first

Woozi: let's see English

Y/n: *english* my name is Y/n, I am 20 years old

Woozi: oh wow, you do speak English now let's see Japanese

He smirked one more time and I giggled and smirked as well

Y/n: こんにちは私の名前はオタク、私は20歳です

Woozi: cool

He smirked at me again

Y/n: sense I already said 5 things about myself, you need to tell me 5 things about yourself


Y/n: well I told you that I like k-drama and anime, I speak English, and Japanese and I'm 20 years old

Woozi: oh wow, show off

He said it in a sarcastic voice, and I giggled once again

Woozi: I am 21 years old, I love music,  I am a great singer, I love dancing, I believe in love at first sight, I don't like doing eagyo, there now there is six things you know about me

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