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I'm freaking out

Thank you so much guys

??? POV

I was walking towards my locker but I heard grunts, like someone was getting hurt

I peeked around the corner and saw Y/n getting choked my Jungkook, jungkook was basically sexually harassing her by now

My world stopped

I looked beside them and saw Jihoon on the floor


At this point Y/n was crying and jungkook was abusing her

What they said was true

I was frozen in time

Y/n's face started to get purple by the lack of oxygen

I pushed jungkook away trying not to hurt him

???: Y/n come one wake up Woozi needs you

Her face started getting back to her original color


I looked over at jungkook

Jungkook: suga-hyung

Suga: I can't believe you would bully my brother and even further you sexually abused his girlfriend

Woozi: y-y-yoo-ngi hyung

I felt anger built up

Jungkook: how long have you been there

Suga: about 3 min and that's enough to show me that your a person who hurts people for no reason

Jungkook: is it bad that I was doing stuff with my fiance

Suga: she's not you fiance, the stopped the plan, and because the second and the third teamed up, we are number one now, so if we tell anyone about this you'll go to prison

Jungkook: please don't tell anyone

Suga: your still a child who can't even make their own good decisions

He fell and started crying

I felt bad

I knew he wasn't a bad person

Suga: can you get up jihoon

I looked over at him he was trying to get up

I carried Y/n on my back and tried to stabilize woozi while walking

I brought them to my car and put them in the back seat

After a few minutes of driving to the hospital, I looked behind me to check on them

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