Birthday special

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Today is Woozi's birthday and I wanted to a special chapter for this talented cute producer

So here ya go fellow leaders


Y/n has been acting wierd lately, she didn't accept my date I had planned for us, she hasn't been accepting any actually

I'm afraid she's thinking of breaking up with me

I was walking threw the halls and I saw Y/n walking towards me we made eye contact, I smiled but she just ignored me and walked passed me

The reason why I wanted to go on so many dates with her was because in a few days the next day of my birthday I'm going to audition for pledis entertainment, in busan

I'm also going with the boys so they might have told her and she got scared or something

I got to my apartment and just lied down on my bed

I eventually fell asleep, I woke up and noticed it was 10 AM

Finally its Saturday I get to rest no homework no nothing just REST

Happy birthday to me.. . I guess

I suddenly got a text from jun

Jihoon come to the hide out

Why should i

Just come please, it's an emergency

I'm on my bed what is so important than me getting rest

If I told you Y/n is here would you come

I'll be there in 20


Yeah yeah you better have tea when I get there

K gacha, cya


I got up from my bed and changed

I went to my car and drove to the seventeen hide out/ S.coups mansion/home

I knocked on the door I heard someone scream, which was kinda scary

I rigged the door bell this time and heard the door being unlocked

The door didn't open so I opened it myself, I saw everything pitch black

I tried turning on the light until I felt arms around my neck

???: happy birthday woozi~

All the lights turned on everyone jumped up


I looked at the person behind me and it was no other than Y/n

She pecked my lips she stopped hugging me

Y/n: your turn

Every seventeen member gathers up around me

Woozi: Y/n help me plz

Y/n: nah this is your birthday present

Woozi: why so cruel


Other people were there like BTS, JBJ, TWICE, DL, Got7, NCT (all), and a lot more


I turned around

I saw him walk to me sad and traumatized by what just happened while pounting

Y/n: hm

I was drinking some water

Woozi: why did you ignore me all these days

Y/n: sorry it was part of the plan

Woozi: your so mean

Y/n: sorry, and also know about tomorrow

Woozi: are you mad

Y/n: hell no, I'm happy, your going to be an idol, I just know it, don't worry I'll be your number one fan, and you'll be mine

Woozi:what do you mean by me too.... Don't yell me,.... WHAT COMPANY

Y/n: STONE Entertainment, but I'm going to audition next week

Woozi: congratulations Y/n

He hugged me, I hugged back

Y/n: I believe you'll make it.. No, you will, I know it

Woozi: me too

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