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After she left it was kinda awkward, I didn't know how to talk to him anymore, so I just ignored what just happened

Y/n: come on before your foot gets worse

I greeted his hand put it over my neck, and my other arm on his waist to keep balance

To be honest I was mad at Lisa a little, I'm mad at her but at the same time I'm relieved she stepped in the room

Reason 1) I really wanted to kiss him

Reason 2) it's bad to kiss someone you just met a day ago

I didn't understand my feeling anymore

Once we went to the Infirmary the nurse saw woozi and immediately went into panic mode

Nurse: OMG JIHOON what happened to you?!?

Woozi: I was practicing dance and I fell

Nurse: come on lay down and I'll do the rest

She looked at me and smirked

Nurse: I'm guessing your his girlfriend

Y/n: I'm sorry, I am not

Nurse: well either way, here

She handed me money

Nurse: may you go the nearest drug store and get bandages and get pain killers, and also get some food for yourself and Jihoon

Y/n: okay, I'll be back as fast as I can

I left and walked as fast as I could to the store and why not stop at Taco Bell for the food,

I put my ear buds on and heard 2NE1 Lonely

After I bought everything I went back to the Infirmary building, I knocked on the door and came in closing the door behind me, I saw Woozi sleeping and the nurse wasn't inside, I sat on the end of the bed and I heard the door open again, I saw the nurse come in

Nurse: oh, your hear, thanks for grabbing the stuff

Y/n: no problem Miss

Nurse: I checked his foot and luckily nothing surveyor happened, he just got hurt badly, and has bruises, and it will heal until tomorrow, but I still need to give him the pain pills and bandage the injury

Y/n: I'll wake him up, if you want me to?

Nurse: that will be great

I walked towards Woozi, and tried to wake him up, he groaned, and woke up

Woozi: what

Y/n: here take this and this, but first sit up straight so you can eat

Woozi: fine

He said in an annoying tone

damn this kid does not liked being woken up

He sat up properly and the nurse gave him a water bottle and the pain pill, he swallowed the pain pill and drank water, the nurse also gave him a bed table

the nurse bandaged his wound, I sat there doing nothing, I kinda felt bad because what is they did it again, and his family found out about it. Will they sue the school? I don't know I had weird and random question in my head

But one of them stood out way to much

Does Suga know about this?

I could ask him, but I don't know if he will feel comfortable saying it is anything

I should probably wait until the nurse leaves so he could feel more comfortable saying it without anyone else

When the nurse finished bandaging his foot she left us alone

This kinda reminded me of what happened in dance class, I started blushing really hard I looked like a tomato by know, I cooled myself down and looked around to see if anyone was in the room

After I did I looked at Woozi. Why did I get so nervous everytime I'm about to talk to him or just look at him?!

Y/n: Woozi?

Woozi: yeah?

Y/n: does Suga know about, the guys


Y/n: I'm sorry you don't have to answer if your not ready, I was just curious, because I over heard Jimin  say it

Woozi: no he doesn't

Y/n: than why are they still bullying you

Woozi: because I'm the weak one, and he's the stringer one, they took him and left me being the target, and he's also scary if you get him mad

I noticed that he was still bleeding from the side of his lip

Like there were no chairs a had to sit to him on the bed, I got the first aid kit and got a cotton stick thingy I forgot what they were called

I sat next to him and put the aid kit on the desk that was next to the bed

I started cleaning the wound, he was staring at me the whole time

I was biting my lip because I was thing about what would happen if someone told

I was done cleaning it and I put a band aid on it

When I putting the band aid on I noticed that touched his lips

I blushed a bit, but I kept my cool, I didn't want him to think I'm a weirdo

When I was done woozi sat up making our faces very VERY close

I moved  back to prevent anything, but he held my waist with his both hands, he came closer making his eyes close and mine as well, I could feel his lips brushing into mine and his hot breath,  he put one of his hands on my cheek and the end of that finally happened

He kissed me passionately

I kissed him back

Everything stopped at this moment

I felt guilty, but I liked it

I didn't know what to do, so I put my hands around his neck

After a like 3 minutes of kissing, he stepped away, thinking of what he just did

Woozi: I'm, sorry Y/n,


Woozi: it's my fault, I shouldn't have kissed you, even when I just met you yesterday, let's just stay best friends

Those words hurt me, I wanted to be more as friends

But I respect his choice, so accepted

I nodded hesitantly, and looked at him and smiled

It was fake, at this point I put my mask on again, thinking I would never wear it again, I hated it, but it was to protect the happiness of my friends and the people I love (cough*iuvWoozisjs*cough) Than I would wear it, I didn't even care if I couldn't find happiness anymore

My depression has cone again, because of those simple words, my past has come again

Time skip

We were talking until the school ended, the bell rang and

Y/n: is your foot feeling better

Woozi: yeah a bit

Y/n: do you need help, getting back to the apartment

Woozi: I think

He put his arm around my shoulder

We both walked to the apartment, he popped the door and he let me go to him room and let him rest, once he was laying there we said our goodbyes and, and I left his house and went straight to my bed

I looked in the darkness and cried

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