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Y/n: haha no! That's my nickname they gave me, Asuna is my real name

They all looked at me confused

Y/n: can I talk to you guys Alone

I went outside the cafeteria with the guys following me

Im sorry I'm not going to add the other NCT 2018 members because I'm still new in the community so yeah I'm only going to add
* Lucas
* Taeyong
* Mark
* Johnny
* Jaehyun
* winwin
* ten

Mark: what's going on, why are they calling you asuna

Y/n: Asuna is my under cover name, I don't want people treating me like a princess after they know who I really am

WinWin: we understand, I'll call you asuna now

Y/n: thanks guys

??? POV

???: who is she exactly, it can't be

Im going to tell tzuyu, let's see I she can make something up so we van make fun of her

After lunch

???: hey Tzuyu, I need to tell you something about that bitch Asuna

Tzuyu: Mina, tell me all of it

Mina: her real name is Y/n, something is odd about her, I think she's Park Y/n

Tzuyu: haha look at her, if she had money she would at least buy some nice clothes nit like shit that she's wearing, it looks like she gets it from used stores

My feelings are hurt I buy some clothes from there, like goodwill 😢😢😢

Mina: than why are there HOT guys on her side even one hugged her and kissed her,  he was very cute

Tzuyu: yeah right she can never get a boyfriend, he's probably ugly like her

Mina: fine I'll show you

We both went to find them and saw Asuna with BlackPink and Stray Kids,  and with the cute guys

Mina: See what I mean

Tzuyu: so she's a slut I see

Your POV

Lunch soon ended and me and the guys left

You remember when I said I hated being treated like a princess, well except these guys they treat me me like that but they treat me like a little sister rather than a princess, they know my fears and everything

Mark and Winwin were holding my hands

And Taeyong was hugging me while walking to my locker

Damn they are CLINGY I can protect myself no one is just going to run to me and pull a gun on me, gosh these people over react to much

We finally got to my locker until I heard someone scream and I'm for sure it was meant for me


I turned around and saw no other than Tzuyu right in front of me

Everyone was staring at me

Y/n: what do you want, and fyi I'm not a slut you are your with Woozi then Felix

Tzuyu: than why are holding hands with 2 guys and a guy hugging you and kissing you

Lucas: First off lady, you have No right calling Y-Asuna that, she'd we are her bests friends, but we are like bug brothers and we have to protect her

Y/n: and I kinda hate it

Mina: but I don't think best friends should kiss

Tzuyu: he deserves to kiss me instead of you, you slut

He pulled taeyong's arm towards her and clinged on it

Y/n: and she calls me the slut, oh my lord help dis chaild

Taeyong: I know right, get off of me stranger

Tzuyu: do you even know who I am, such rude way to tell to a person who is rich that can ruin your family with one simple sentence

Taeyong: well Asuna can ruin your money as well


Taeyong: what I'm only telling her the truth babe

Me and Tzuyu choked on our saliva

Y/n: what!

Tzuyu: WHAT!!!!!!

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