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If your feeling sad just look at the picture above

I can't

Why do I love him

Every time I fall in love this happens

I'll just try to forget about it

Next Morning

I woke up took a short shower and got dressed

I went to kitchen and found food to eat

After I ate I grabbed my phone and put music on BT earphones and put them on full volume

Music was one of the things that let my mind off of the real world and let forget about my problems

I just continued walking down the hall to the elevator and when it was about to close a hand, opened the doors again

Lol I can't get over Hoshi at the top

I looked on who it was and saw Suga

Suga: hey, Y/n

Y/n: hey

Should I tell him about Woozi?

Suga: What are you listening to

Y/n: I'm listening to... Lucifer, by SHINEee

Suga: oh, I haven't herd that song in a long time

Y/n: I hear a lot of old songs, I still love them

Suga: what's your favorite group right now

Y/n: that's a hard one, probably.... Girls Generation but I love them all

Suga: cool, what kind of music do want to produce in the future

What's with all these questions,  honestly it's kinda annoying me

Y/n: I don't know but I'm really liking the idea of EDM but in a rock like tone

It's kinda like Day6 and N.Flying
Just so ya know

Suga: cool, me and Woozi want to produce EDM as well

Please don't start with him

Suga: what brought you into music in the first place


Keep your cool y/n

Y/n: Music was the only thing that was keeping me away from my problems, like my mom and dad got divorced, when I was in middle school

Suga: deep, I ran away from my home, for at least a month my parents didn't care about me they always was thinking of Woozi, that's one of the reasons why I don't have Lee as my last name, I'm still Min

Artistic love (Woozi FF)Where stories live. Discover now