J or J

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《Happy New Year》

He locked me in place his hands were behind me holding my hands

He saw the light pink mark from before when I was choosing his shoes

He started sucking on the mark

I tried holding back my moans

Every second was more and more painful

Some moans came out randomly tried holding back

A few seconds later he unzipped he zipper of my shirt on the back, the cold piece of old metal sliding down my spine, he slid down the sleeve of my shirt, now my whole shoulder was exposed

He moved on to my lower collar bone he kept going until he was satisfied

He stopped for a while and started kissing me on the lips

He bit my bottom lip

A moan came out letting have an entrance

His tongue exploring my mouth

At this point I didn't care I knew he could beat me

Our tongues were at a mini war for domination

its all or nothing

My mind went blank, he untucked my shirt , while my hands are around his neck, I couldn't focus on anything exept him, it was like he was controlling me

his hands slid inside my shirt, I could feel the warmth of his hands on my waist and spine, my hands getting tangled by his

his hands kept crawling up my body

I broke the kiss and stoped him, from continuing the madness 

Y/n: lets stop here, we still have to you things so my paerents can exept you

Jihoon: Yah!! 

he pounted 

I pinched his cheeks and gave him a kiss on the cheek

Y/n: you are not helping, you know that

I giggled 



I tought him everything that my parents liked and what they expected from him and me

Every 10 min he would complain about why I stopped him

All I could say was, he needed to suck it up and be more logical

Yes, I was being rude to him

But if he passes my parents something big will happen

Author: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Y/n: Jihoon it's time to go, let's go

Jihoon: coming

We where walking to my apartment

He suddenly held my hand and intertwined our fingers

We both went inside

We sat down on the couch and cuddled while watching hello counselor

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