It's fine

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Y/n looked at me worried

Jihoon: what's wrong

Y/n: oh it's nothing, I was just scared

Jihoon: about what

Y/n: jungkook went rough, did he mean to go that far

Jihoon: I don't know

Y/n: I believe it's over now, you can finally rest

Jihoon: what about you

Y/n: well he hated you, it was never about me, I think he just wanted control over us, but I guess I was already resting since like 20 minutes ago when suga came in

Jihoon: how come he never came to see me

Y/n: is he did but you were asleep

Jihoon: oh well, my loss then


He moved a bit and patted, signaling me to lay down with him

I did

He felt so warm

He wrapped his hands around my waist

I was on my phone because it was quiet

He was on his phone too

Jihoon: OMG

Y/n: ouch

Jihoon: oh sorry I didn't mean to scream in your ear

He looked at me worried but he also looked happy and excited

Y/n: what's up

Jihoon: look

He looked like a little kid getting candy or a toy that he wanted

It was cute

He showed me his phone saying that Pledis Entertainment was looking for people to train to become idols etc.

I was shocked and happy

Y/n: you should go

Jihoon: what about you

I got up and I sat on my legs next to him

Y/n: I'm still looking but I think I could make it in Stone entertainment, their holding auditions next month

Jihoon: how come you never told me

Y/n: it was supposed to be a surprise but we got into this mess

We kept talking about random stuff until it was the end

1 year later

Today was the day me and jihoon graduated from collage, of course we both made it in our entertainments, and we were both traines

But someone from stone told my manager that me and jihoon were dating and he demanded me to break up with him

The word eventually got to pledis we both got into trouble

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