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We felt a sudden stop coming from the elevator

Woozi: what's going on

Y/n: please tell me the elevator got stuck

Woozi: I'm sorry to say but I think it is stuck

Y/n:......... No no no no no no

I started freaking out and sat in the corner of the elevator with my knees covering my chest

I felt a tear falling from my left eye

Woozi looked at me confused, and with worry

Woozi: hey, Y/n are you okay, what's wrong, don't worry we will get out of this sooner or later

Y/n: just fyi being stuck in an elevator is one of my biggest fears, because I hate being in closed areas that I'm not comfortable with

Woozi: lets see what usually keeps you away or distracts you from the scary situations

Y/n: I usually sleep while listing to music

Woozi: do you have head phones??

Y/n: yeah but they are Bluetooth and they are dead

Woozi: here use mine

Y/n: no, it's okay I'll just try to ignore it

Woozi: here take it I have plenty more in my apartment

He have me his earphones, I was about to reject it again but he gave me his before I could speak

I didn't want argue so I just plugged the earphones to my phone and put the music on my phone and just relaxed while listing to music

My hands hugged my knees and was looking at Woozi trying yo contact and try opening the door

I saw him in the other corner across from me, like he didn't have headphones I kinda felt bad

Being the idiot of me I got up and sat next to him

Y/n: hey, want to listen to music with me

Woozi: what kind of music

Y/n: I listen to Kpop and EDM a lot

Woozi: oh, same here I love EDM

I gave him a one of the ear piece, I eventually fell asleep....

I heard a strong beat in one of the songs I was listing to and woke up.

I opened my eyes and saw Woozi leaning on the wall and my head was resting on his chest while my hands were hugging his waist what was the oddest part is that his arms were on my waist

I looked at him and blushed not knowing how to get off from this position and feeling weird stuff banging in my chest, to be honest he looked cute and peaceful while sleeping

I felt comfortable in this position

(italics means that they are saying something in their mind)

Why am I feeling this way towards him, an I in love with Woozi....... Y/N

I shook my head thinking was was wrong with me and fell back asleep

Woozi's POV

I woke up and saw Y/n's head resting on my solder music was still playing out of her phone, I started caressing her hair, until I saw her body shivering because of the cold and I could tell that she was also scared

I never knew how to comfort a female before, so laid down and hugged her, bring her down with me, I was leaning on the wall because it started to be very uncomfortable, I felt warm hands around my waist and saw that Y/n was hugging me, I could tell that she was warm because I didn't see her shivering anymore

What is it called when your heart is beating fast..... Fear? Or is it love? How can I be in love with someone I just met a few hours ago, I think that's what people meant by love a first sight, who wouldn't be in love with her she looks so peaceful and beautiful sleeping

Your POV

I woke up again, I still felt warmth but instead I felt a hand caressing my hair, just saying it felt good but weird at the same, i in looked up and saw Woozi, still half asleep, his eyes were kinda closed, it was cute though

Y/n: Hey, Woozi wake up

I got up and sat down next to him

Woozi: Nuuuu don't leave me im cold

Y/n: come on get up,

Woozi: NUUUU I'm not getting up

Y/n: your acting like a baby

Woozi: a cute baby

He pouted while pushing his 2 pointer fingers on each side of there cheeks

Artistic love (Woozi FF)Where stories live. Discover now