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Your POV

I saw woozi getting beat up by some taller guys

He looked hurt


They looked at me

????: hello, my name is jungkook

Y/n: it doesn't matter what matters is that you have to stop

???: wow this girl is mad, she looks cute

Y/n: oh shut up

I went to Woozi and gave him a hand to get up

Jungkook: aww look at the love birds

Y/n: we are not dating, but he's my friend

??: aww, this brat has a friend finally

Woozi: I have friends

Jungkook: anyway, what's you name

Y/n: my name is Asuna, now leave him alone

???: My name is Jimin, his name is Rm or namjoon, our leader

Y/n: I don't care about your names I just want you guys to stop messing with Woozi

Jimin: do you even know who he is, his name is Lee Jihoon, he's from the Lee family the family who took down companies because of him

Y/n: I know who he is, I'm not stupid

Rm: than how are you still friends with him

Jungkook: he's probably going to take down your family's company

Jimin: what family are you

Y/n: I'm sorry but that will remain a secret

Jungkook: his family probably forced her to be his friend

???: I told to stop doing this to Woozi

I looked them and saw 6 guys behind them

Jimin: aww this little got his little group

?: shut up and just go

Jungkook: get out of this little kid, I think this is to inappropriate for you

?: I'm not a little kid, for your information

Rm: ugh let's just go, they'll just get in the way

????: they're such a drag

???: I hate them

I help woozi stand up because his foot was injured

?: oh hey, I haven't seen you here before are you new?

Y/n: yeah I am, my name is Asuna

?: cute name my name is Samuel, I'm the youngest of them all

????: My name is S Coups, I'm the leader of our group

???:my name is Vernon

?????: My name is Jun, nice meeting you

??????: Dino, nice to meet you

??: hello, my name is Seungkwan

Y/n: nice to meet you guys

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