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Romeo POV

When I woke up Lauren's family was leaving to the airport, Camila and Sofi were hanging out on the couch sort of lost. Lauren was saying bye giving them hugs while Camila's parents were getting her family's luggage. I sad my goodbye to all of them they were a very cool family we all hung out together. They were going to be coming as soon as Lauren had her baby which is nice and easier for her because I know she misses them a lot. They walked out and all of them left even Lauren just so she could be with them more.

"So how are we going to kill time Camila and Sofi?", I asked them.

"I didn't think about that we can just watch top 20 that's what we were doing at our house", Camila suggested.

"Sounds like a plan. Do you wanna do anything Sofi", I said going to her level.

"I wanna color", she said giggling.

"Let me see what we got for you", I walked into the photography room I know we had stuff for arts and craft. I grabbed colors then I went on my laptop and printed a few coloring sheets for her then I gave her them.

"Aww you got her something to color thank you, we were about to experience tantrum mode", Camila said.

"You're welcome we are gonna be here a while she's gonna need a distraction. Anywats I was wondering if you could help me with something.", I told her.

"What is she asked?", she asked.

"I want to find Lauren a push present for her and one for Beyoncé too", I said.

"Do you have any ideas for a present", she asked.

"These necklaces", I said opening my laptop and showing her all the necklaces.

"The moon ones two for each of them I know them well enough to know they like those a lot", she pointed to the necklaces.

"The moon ones two for each of them I know them well enough to know they like those a lot", she pointed to the necklaces

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"Thanks Mila now do you have any good ideas to spoil Lauren", I asked her.

"Well Lauren loves platano fritos, she enjoys a clean house, you could also make her bubble bath, and she loves the beach. She likes genuine people so never be fake or lie, she's likes people who do adventures, also never change she likes just the way you are just grow with her and grow by yourself too.", she said and I looked at her shocked, I didn't think she had this super good advice.

"Thank you for the basically life saving advice", I said.

"You're welcome", Camila said smiling.

"Aye this song is how I feel about Lauren just that Alicia Keys says it much better", I said bringing up the volume.

"You and me together Through the days and nights I don't worry 'cause Everything's going to be alright People keep talking they can say what they like But all I know is everything's going to be alright", we sang loudly to each other.

Love Lauren (Teen Mom)Where stories live. Discover now