3 - Everyone's Favorite Sullivan

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We remain silent on the way to the station. It isn't far and soon we're pulling into my spot, hoping out, and striding in. Old wooden desks strewn with papers, chairs patched with duct tape, and the loud chatter of people on phones greets us.

"Hey, Kit! We hadn't seen you in forever and now three times in two weeks? You must really miss us! Hey everyone, it's our favorite Sullivan, back again!" A tall black detective laughs as he spots my recently unruly sister.

"Hi, Seargant Omadi." She blushes at the attention as the department stands and applauds her appearance.

"Who knew that once you got a taste of breaking the rules you'd never go back," Omadi crows to the laughter of the assembled people. The half-elf's voice carries well.

I put a hand on Kit's shoulder as she blushes and raise an eyebrow at the assembled people. "I was sent out to deal with a dragon earlier today because all of you had things to do. So you'd better be doing them." I narrow my eyes to glare.

They all look sheepish then immediately fall back to their work, answering phones, filling out reports, getting ready to go out and save the streets or something like that. I turn to look at Kit.

"You, sit." I point at the chairs lined up by the side of the bull pen.

She nods and goes, pulling off her backpack to start on homework. I chuckle at that. She's suspended and the first thing she does is homework. She really is a good kid, but keeping the aptitude test from me was royally stupid. I could have told her exactly what was going to happen, but maybe it was something she just had to learn on her own.

I stride back to my desk, situated about as far from the door as I could get in the back right, and slouch down in my chair. Sighing, I start filling out the report for the dragon call but am distracted as a tall man with dark hair sits at the desk across the walkway from me.

Unlike me who'd chosen to hide in the back, he'd been banished here because no one wanted to be near the only part demon on the policy force in the entire city, not just the Downwind. We'd made slow friends after I ditched him as a partner to work alone.

"Hey, Udial," I call. He turns and makes an exaggerated 'Who? Me?' face with gestures included. I roll my eyes at him but he smiles and strolls over to my desk.

"What do you want, Oh Great One?" He laughs. "I see you've brought trouble with you again." He hitches his thumb over his shoulder in Kit's general direction.

"Yeah, that's what I want to talk to you about."

"Uh oh, that never sounds good." He folds his arms and sets a hip against my desk, getting serious.

"I need you to ask Mahir what's going on at school and what he's heard." I watch as Udial frowns at my request.

"Sure, I can do that. But what's up?"

I shake my head. "Kids have been picking fights with her and I just want to know the general lay of the land."

I keep it vague, not wanting to bias his questioning of his son.

He nods briskly. "I'll let you know tomorrow."


"But... Only if you give me something in return." He smiles down at me.

What is it with people asking for things today? "Depends on what you want." I cross my arms and wait.

"For you and Kit to actually come over and have that dinner with us you've been promising for a year now. Mezekene would really like to spend more time with you and our favorite little Sullivan." He raps on the desk. "Think of some dates you'd be free and we'll talk tomorrow."

"Whatever." I ignore him and go back to work.

Having dinner with Udial, his wife, and his son Mahir who happens to be the same age and best friends with Kit, wouldn't be a hardship but my side job's been keeping me busy lately. Too busy if you ask Kit and just busy enough if you ask me.

My phone rings and I answer. "It's Sullivan, what's up?"

"I've found you a dragon to take care of the hatchling problem." The silky voice obviously belongs to Mex, though I know enough full blood demons it might have been difficult to place without the context. They all tended to sound like sin and lust given a voice when they were giving a performance - AKA almost always.

"Great, what's the plan?"

"The dragon will come for the hatchling tonight in Midnight. Someone just needs to get the hatchling here then open a rift to the dragon plane and your problem is solved. I'd do it... for a price." I can hear the smile in his voice.

I hum loudly for a minute, rocking my chair back on two legs with a smirk. "What do you want, Mex? And if you ask too much I'll just find someone else. You know you aren't the only demon who owes me a thing or two."

"I'm hurt, darling, that you'd even insinuate I'd ask for something you couldn't give!" He huffs. "I'd need you to bring me my favorite snack, that's it." There's a nonchalance to his voice that concerns me.

I narrow my eyes. "What snack? I'm not bringing you children or puppies to eat, Mex."

"Honestly, I haven't done that in centuries! The prejudice we face now." He scoffs. "No, I've become addicted to Funyuns and no one here will fetch them for me anymore. They say I'm addicted." I can hear the pout in his voice.


"Yes, I want ten bags of Funyuns in return for opening the rift."

I think for a moment. "I'll give you twenty if you come to this realm and fetch the hatchling yourself. Normally I'd want to keep an eye on you, but I've got too much to do tonight. Something's come up with Kit."

I can practically hear him salivating over the phone. "Deal. I'll stop by your place for the Funyuns and you can show me where the hatchling is." He pauses and when he speaks again his voice is serious.

It still sounds like sin, but the lust he turns on for show is gone. I would never admit it, but I like his real voice better.

"Is Kit okay?"

He's got a soft spot for my kid sister. Practically everyone who meets her does, which is why I'm not worried about Mex using that information against me. He'd been one of my first contacts when I started my Private Investigator business four years ago and we'd become close enough that I'd let him meet Kit twice when he'd stopped by on business.

"She's fine but there's some stuff we have to deal with. So please, I know I didn't lock you down with language, but it would be very kind of you to honor the spirit of the agreement." My chair falls back to all fours as I slump over my desk.

"Of course. You know I wouldn't cross you, Cassie. I'll see you tonight." He purrs out the last bit and I laugh before hanging up without replying.

My joy fades as I glare down at the paperwork on my desk waiting to be filled out. Hopefully I can finish these and fend off any other calls so I can leave on time tonight. Sending a text to Kit to send her in search of twenty bags of Funyuns, I wrinkle my nose and start on the odious task.


Cassie sure is friends with a lot of demons...

If Funyuns remind you of childhood vending machines and crappy junk food give that vote button a press!


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