26 - Dog Food

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When we get into the car, Luke doesn't immediately start the car. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Why?" I was still seething inside but there was no reason for concern since that was my constant state where my grandmother was concerned.

"Your magic felt... Off. Just wanted to make sure you were okay." He shrugs as starts the car.

I try to shake off my now real concerns. Because I'd woven the spell, Luke hadn't felt too much of my magic but our power had brushed together during the weaving. I'd lucked out when I partnered with Udial since he had no idea that my power was different from everyone else's since he's never worked with a human before or since. A witch however, could easily note there was something not right. I pushed the worry for another day.

We head back to Seven Woods at a more sedate pace, aka without running lights and stop signs. Luke seems to enjoy himself while I grumble over the paperwork he tossed in my lap the second he pulled away. The paperwork's about our adventure last night which means I'm still writing when we pull up to the alley where we got doused in goo.

I toss the papers in the back and hop out, stretching while Luke walks over to join me on the sidewalk. But rather than doing anything, we just stand there. I turn to question him, but he just ignored me and waves at the car that pulls up.

Mr. Blue Eyes, aka Detective Worthingham, steps out and slams his door shut. He plants his hands on his hips and glares at both of us. "I just pulled my own missing persons case so this better be good."

Luke nods and motions to the alley behind us. "We got a tip Ms. Wayte was here and when we investigated last night we ran into ghouls. I'd appreciate it if you could tell us if she was here."

Worthingham snorts, clearly envisioning us covered in ectoplasm, and his eyes flick to me. I just shrug. He gives a long suffering sighs and walks to the alley's mouth. "I'll do this, but you owe me, York."

"Deal." Luke looks way too pleased with himself. I understand why a second later when Worthingham releases his breath and a white cloud gathers around him.

I gasp and Luke sends me a smug look but I can't even manage a glare as I take in Worthingham. He's a Soul Witch, and a powerful one at that, I realize as I take in the size of the mist that gathers around him - it fills the entire alley and reaches out tendrils towards my feet. Shapes move in the mist, likely the ghouls that drenched us last night, and Worthingham's smile falters. 

Wherever we go, we leave small pieces of ourselves behind. One of their more useful tricks lets a Soul witch find the echos of a person's visit and replay time. Worthingham keeps up the search for a few moments longer, then the mist simply fades as if it was never there.

"She was here a few nights ago arguing with someone in a car. The car blocked whoever was inside and when she stormed away the car backed out and turned in the same direction. I can't tell the time of day but I don't see the ghouls in the frame so my guess is before pure dark." He runs a thumb over his bottom lip absentmindedly. "Cars don't have souls so I couldn't tell you much about it, unfortunately."

Luke nods, thought he's clearly disappointed. "We'll see if we can find her on a security camera anywhere and look for cars in the same frame which might have been following her. Thanks, Worthingham."

Blue Eyes grunts, nods to both of us, and gets in his car. I jog over and tap on the passenger window before he pulls away. The window slowly lowers and I lean on it to make sure he won't just roll it back up on me.

"Hey, you said you pulled another missing persons. Is that normal? How many go missing from Upper Mystica in a normal week?"

Icy eyes meet mine over a set of dark sunglasses. His answer is terse. "No, this isn't usual."

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