42 - Work to Do

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"Holy shit!"

Carter's words have me grinning. I turn and even Nova is awestruck, but hiding it a little better. At least her mouth is still shut.

A large green dragon stands before us on the edge of Gloaming, where Mex keeps his home. She's probably two or three stories tall and has two long horns with a crest standing between them. She has to be at least five hundred years old.

I walk forward and give a deep bow. The dragon extends a front leg and bows it's head in return. Before I can stand I'm tackled by a small green mini me.

The small green dragon rubs it's face enthusiastically against my shirt and I bat at it without much luck. Just as I'm despairing for the state of my shirt the heavy, wiggling weight is gone. I look up and find the hatchling limp in a set of claws that look way more deadly close up.

The mother sets her child, who I now know is in fact a girl unlike my initial guess, at her feet and clicks at her daughter in clear admonishment. After a few seconds, the mother turns back to me.

"I must apologize once more for my daughter's actions. She seems to cause you trouble whenever you meet. I cannot thank you enough for your help when she was lost." Her voice doesn't come from her muzzle. Instead, she's actually broadcasting a strong mental projection in our native language.

I shake my head. "I didn't do much other than get her off of a roof. Mexereal did most of the heavy lifting."

She shakes her head in response and lowers down so her head is closer to person level. "Your friend did so only at your bidding. I am glad to have the chance to thank you face to face. Now that I've met you, my heart is at ease."

I must frown because she chuckles. "I know who you are little Night Witch and I know your ancestor too. I never would have thought you'd be the one to save my child. I was worried about your reasons when I discovered who you were, but I see now."

"Uh, thank you. But I would appreciate it if you wouldn't spread that knowledge." I chance a glance at my companions, both of whom are watching me curiously. Looks like that last bit was sent only to me.

The dragon nods sagely and rises to her full height. "Let me know if there is anything I can do to repay you."

It was a dangerous offer. Dragons were still born of the Lower Realms, which meant they could be as beholden to a contract as any Demon or Summons. To offer even that much is a sign of trust.

I bow deeply once more. "I am honored by your generosity."

The dragon huffs and I chose to think it was a laugh. A few chirps has me glancing down to see the hatchling running in circles around her mother's leg.

"She wishes to say goodbye. And to thank you," the mother translates for us.

"Please, tell her it was a pleasure meeting her." Even if it had been a lie, I would have said it anyways. Pissing off a dragon was insanely stupid.

The dragons both nod then turn and walk towards to great sheet of blue that marked the veil between Realms. "Wait!"

Carter and I both turned to goggle at Nova.

The dragon simply turns her head, her body still facing the veil. Nova seems to freeze. It appears her earlier outburst hadn't been planned.

When she remains silent, slowly turning a deep red, the dragon harrumphs. "What is it, human?"

"I can feel..." Nova stutters for the first time in her life. Drawing a deep breath, she stands tall and shakes off her nerves. "I can feel the fire in you."

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