21 - A Demon or Two

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The Demon doesn't bother to right himself as we approach his table, warily taking in our surroundings. I think we both agree that since he invited us in, we can't make a clean get away so we're stuck weaving through delicate, obnoxiously gilded, likely antique furniture. I grimace as I realize most of this stuff probably costs more than I'll make in an entire year, even in Mystica. Both Luke and I release the magic we'd summoned as the Demon eyes our hands.

We stop when we finally stand before the heavy table and the Demon rakes his eyes over us one last time, not that I hadn't felt his gaze every second of the walk across the room. He snaps the deck of cards shut and it disappears into thin air, likely sucked into his dimensional identity since Demons can't work traditional magic. With a lazy wave at the mismatched dainty stools sitting opposite the heavy table, he invites us to sit.

"So," he practically purrs. "What brings you two to my humble abode?"

I look at Luke and he grimaces, squirming uncomfortably as the Demon follows my gaze.

"I'm Detective York and this is Detective Sullivan and we're here about Angela Wayte. She was last seen in the Blue Devil and we're trying to ascertain her current whereabouts."

I'm impressed both by Luke's summary and the fact that he introduced me as Detective Sullivan. Given how Benedict had been so against calling me Sullivan because they already had one on the force, I was secretly worried that even Luke would extend the discourtesy. But surprises happen every day and I suppose other than our first encounter in the stairwell he hasn't been anything but courteous.

The Demon's eyebrows shoot up as my mind is wandering. But it isn't until a light laugh lilts through the air that he grabs my attention. There's something not quite right with that laugh, but his words distract me. "Clients' secrets are their own. I couldn't tell you anything even if I wanted to."

"But she was a client of yours?" Luke presses and the Demon's eyes light up with glee, glad Luke had snatched the bait. He doesn't respond, just shrugs nonchalantly.

I frown at the Demon. "There's nothing that stops you from telling us. Part of a demon's power is the ability to spill someone's secrets is they don't pay up."

"Normally, you'd be right." His eyes are riveted to my face. "But this isn't a normal parlor."

I look around the room carefully, but don't see anything that jumps out. There are no runes hidden anywhere, no odd pieces of demon equipment. I can only frown at him - the parlor seems to be exactly what it is.

Luke finally clears his throat. "Well, if you can't tell us anything about her, can you tell us if you saw her two nights ago? As a business associate or otherwise."

The Demon's long fingers stroke his beardless chin as he hums in thought. "Nope."

"Nope you didn't see her or nope you can't tell us?" I grit out to his smirking face.

He shrugs. "What does it matter, the answer is still no."

I sit and fume. But the longer I look at the Demon the more I realize something isn't right about him, but before I can figure out what Luke speaks again.

"My partner here says you don't normally keep client secrets. Why is this parlor different from others?"

The Demon's eyes light with glee. "Ooh, finally asking the good questions I see!"

He finally sits up properly in the chair and rubs his hands together. Luke leans forwards eagerly, but I stay resolutely put. The Demon looks a little dejected when I also don't peer forward in interest, but at last he speaks.

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