28 - Blast from the Past

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The next morning I stomp into work after dropping Kit off. She was mad I wouldn't give her the day off to hang out with Runsel so the hellhound had snuck after us to keep an eye on the school while I was away. I sent a warning not to be seen but otherwise let him do as he wanted.

I'd spilled half my coffee getting into the car and hadn't had time to get another and the tapes had gone flying all over the passenger seat which meant I was grouchy as I made my way to my desk. The smell of coffee from the cart outside and my partner's desk didn't help, only heightening my annoyance at life in general. 

Groaning, I drop my pile of tapes to the desk and slouch in my chair. My head lolls back and just as I start relaxing a man clears his throat right behind my head. I carefully open my eyes to see Luke glaring down at me.

A groan escapes before I can hold it in. "What now?" I shut my eyes and rubbed my forehead to try and alleviate the headache I know he's about to cause.

"Just wanted to know if you found anything. Uh, and give you this." The smell of coffee has my eyes popping open and my hands reaching out before he's finished the sentence.

I gulped down half the coffee before managing to thank him. He returns a bemused smile. "I take it you like my apology coffee?"

I regain my senses and watch him carefully. "I like coffee and today I spilled mine. What exactly are you apologizing for?"

I swivel my chair and tilt so I can look up at him more comfortably. He rubs a hand along his jaw, unable to meet my eyes. "For being an ass. There wasn't any reason you had to watch the tapes here. I'm sorry I made you pull the," he looks around and drops his voice, "kid card."

I freeze at that, taking a moment to really digest what he's said. Then, I stand. "Thank you. I'm sorry we weren't able to have a calm discussion without getting offended. I do think you're a highly dedicated officer and I'm glad I'm working with you."

I hold out the hand not gripping my coffee and he takes it with a half smile. "Back at you, partner."

I just shake my head and claim my seat again while he goes to his own. "I did find something last night. Around the time Angela was in the alley I saw a patrol car on one of the films. We might look into if it has any footage of the street from that night."

"If you send me an identifier I'll call down and figure out which precinct the car belongs to." Luke gifts me a real smile. "I didn't see anything on the cameras. It's possible she went into a business or waited somewhere so we'll have to expand the hours we're checking."

And with that he's back to grim. I shudder at the thought of watching even more hours of footage but wisely keep my mouth shut. Just then, Benedict walks through and claps for attention. I frown as I note he's in full regalia, shining gold and brass covering his chest.

"Listen up people, we've got some important visitors here today. The CODE ambassador has already set up in the conference room so head in. We've had some officers called up in the past few years so put on your best face and don't disgrace this precinct." Unstated are the words 'or face my wrath'.

While everyone else bursts into conversation I turn pale enough that Luke actually comes around to stand by my desk. "You okay?"

"Yeah." I clear my throat as my voice cracks. "Yeah, I'm fine. How often does a CODE ambassador come here?" I try to keep my voice even but know I'm failing miserably.

"Once year. They chat up what they do, ask for names if anyone is interested in being considered for a position with CODE, and then leave. They're pretty nice. I know you hear some scary things about them but you don't need to worry."

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