18 - Two Requirements

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I can tell by the look on Kit's face when she stomps down the steps to get in the car later that afternoon that this isn't going to be a very fun evening. She slams the door before settling back and turning to glare at me. I just sigh and pull away.

"How was your first day?" I finally venture when she just sits there.

"Just great. I'm already the odd new kid and I didn't even do anything! Apparently getting picked up instead of 'porting  has them all wondering how the hell I even qualified for this school."

I barely stop myself from telling her to watch her language, not wanting to stop her rant before she gets all her worries out.

"I didn't even know you had to qualify for this school! What does that even mean?" She glares at me but just keeps on rolling. "Not to mention, everyone keeps asking which family I belong to or owe allegiance to just like the principal did. Who even talks about 'familial allegiance'?" She takes on a sarcastic tone as she imitates her classmates.

She crosses her arms and transfers her glare outside the windows rather than at me as she sits back and stews.

"But no one tried to challenge or kill you, right?"

She nods mutinously, grinding her teeth.

"Great. We'll talk about the rest over dinner. I ordered in since I figured you'd be hungry." I get us through the gates and into the garage easily enough. It's as we're kicking off our shoes that Kit can't keep her tongue anymore.

"What's going on, Cassie? You're not telling me something."

I just shake my head but she stomps her foot and refuses to climb the stairs to the apartment.

"You can't just lie to me and treat me like a kid!"

I turn with my eyes narrowed. "I never lied to you. Just get upstairs and we'll talk over dinner."

"Ugh, I can't believe I believed you when you said it would be better up here!" Her emotions shove against my skin.

"It is better - no one is trying to kill you!" My own anger rises but I manage to contain it before it reaches out to brush Kit. I'm sure my expression gives enough away.

"At least there I wasn't alone." She crosses her arms and my anger dissipates.

I run a hand over my face tiredly. "Listen, Kit, I'm sorry for abandoning you this morning but you had to start school eventually. Might as well get it over with."

I turn and trudge tiredly up the stairs. I'd spent the day going through our closets and organizing what we'd been given before unpacking what little we'd brought. There wasn't much we'd need, but I'd planned on spending some time with Kit over the next few weeks shopping for decorations or paint to make the place feel more like ours.

I feel Kit's anger retreat before I hear her soft footsteps follow me up. She's subdued as she slides into her seat at the table, but I send her to change out of her uniform while I dish up some of the fae uglantrian noodles. Surprisingly, there was a small courtyard full of fae businesses and restaurants not far from the precinct so I'd stopped by on my way home and got our favorite.

When we're finally settled at the table, Kit just pushes her food around the plate. I finally give up and lean back in the chair. "I owe you some explanations."

"Ya think?" She finally perks up to shoot me a mulish expression.

I heave a sigh before starting. "I've mentioned that there are two premier academies in Mystica, Ravenswood and Starcrest. The majority of students at both these academies must meet two requirements - first, they flare white or a full halo. There are a high proportion of students who, like you, flare a full white halo. Every student qualifies for their power requirements which is what the students were talking about."

Night Witch (Book 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now