7 - Soup in Summer

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My gut feeling is proven right the next morning when I stroll in to find Udial is waiting at my desk with a frown. Dark jeans and uniform coat like a good boy, the demon doesn't ruffle feathers if he can avoid it. He doesn't take his eyes off me as I walk up the aisle.

I drop my stuff on my chair and just as I open my mouth to say something pithy he grabs my arm and hauls me into an empty corner office - they have a problem keeping brass in a place like this.

I yank away from him as he shuts the door behind us.

"Is it true?" Udial crosses his arm and blocks the door.

I rock back on my heels, my leather jacket creaking as I cross my own arms in response. "Excuse me?"

He doesn't get any less intense. "Did Kit flare a white halo?" He bites out every word.

My eyes narrow at him. "What does it matter to you?"

He gives a dry laugh. "Are you insane? To have power like that..." He shakes his head. "They'll kill her unless she learns to fight back."

I sneer. "You think I don't know that? Even if they don't kill her she'll be grabbed and used as a power amp for some idiot sorcerer who can't cast spells on his own. We're not staying."

"Then what are you doing here? You should already be gone. There's no way this stays out of the precinct. You know how they love to gossip." He pushes a hand through his hair.

"I've got to get some things set up. We can't just make a run for it with nowhere to go. Trust me that would be worse." I'd been planning to spend my morning dodging duty calls and making my own instead.

"This is bad, Sullivan." He heaves a sigh. A heavy silence hangs between us. "Who the hell are you related to? Do you flare like that too?"

"That's none of your business." I go to push past him but he backs up so his body is leaning against the door.

"Where's Kit? She can't be seen with Mihal."

"I'm not an idiot. She's on house arrest behind the wards. She won't be leaving the house without me this weekend."

He notices my omission. "And next week?"

"She's on suspension."

He just raises an eyebrow.

"Ugh, fine. I promised her she could go to school again after her suspension but if anything happens we're gone. I couldn't just take her away with no warning. She needs to see that it won't change or she'll hate me forever."

He frowns at me. "What's our rule, Sullivan?"

I wrinkle my nose. "Don't give in to the children, even when they use emotional blackmail."

"Right. We don't let the idiot little people run things because if we did we'd be bankrupt in a house full of candy. You should take her and go as soon as you get a place set up."

I snort. "You know full well this is more complicated than that. She deserves a chance to say goodbye. Everything will be set up by next week so I'll drop her off and I won't even drive away. I doubt she makes it to lunch. Now move away from the damn door."

He takes a step away and I stalk out.

"You need anything you just let me know." He gives me the head nod. That ubiquitous nod that men give when trying to be supportive.

I give him a tight smile and move my stuff off my chair and onto the floor before plopping down in my seat.

I pull up my email and start sorting through the old messages for old job offers. By lunch I've fired off three inquiries as to open positions and I'm starving.

The phone on my desk rings just as I go to grab my wallet.

Groaning, I answer. "Sullivan, how can I help you?"

"You've been assigned case," The automated voice rattles off a number. "Please hold to be connected with the caller."

I let out a soft whistle to get Udial's attention when I first hear the voice. I lift my chin in what I hope is a 'come here' gesture. It obviously works well enough because he comes to lean a hip on my desk.

I cover the mouthpiece and turn to him. "You said to tell you if I needed anything?"

He frowns but nods.

"Well... Can you take this call? I was about to go call some people... Hello, Mrs. Rieze. Yes, one second I'll hand you to the detective you'll be working with." When an elderly woman's voice starts complaining at me I don't give Udial a chance to decide, simply shoving the receiver at him.

I grab my wallet and make a dash for it. He's stares after me with a dropped jaw but when I look back as I reach the door, his eyes narrow in a way that promises retribution as he talks soothingly into the receiver. I blow him a kiss and make my escape.

There's a line of food carts that waits across the street and I make my way to my favorite. The small cart is just big enough to have a small warming oven built into the side with the restaurant logo painted on it. The line is long so it takes almost fifteen minutes to make it to the woman who stands by the register.

I hold out my hand rather than order and she brushes her palm over it. There's a charge to get your order read but it's worth it.

She hums as she thinks. "You need the Tteok Mandoo Gook and a large iced coffee."

I nod like an idiot, not entirely sure what that is, but the fae are rarely wrong about this sort of thing. And this half-fae is my favorite soul reader, so I trust her. Not to mention I've yet to get something I haven't liked from this cart.

I hand her my card and she charges me while her partner, telepathically linked to a chef back in the actual restaurant, sends my order. As he's mumbling, he leans down and opens a small door in the cart and pulls out a large plate piled high with bulgogi calling for another customer to come grab his order.

I'm salivating slightly as a large man covered in tattoos moves to claim it. I'm hoping whatever I ordered is just as delicious and wait impatiently until my name is called.

"Sullivan!" I move forward and frown down at the large container of soup.

Soup? It's the tail end of summer but it's still hot. Maybe my favorite soul reader finally got it wrong. I down half the coffee sitting next to the soup, thankful for the caffeine.

I smile politely as I grab my food and trudge back to the precinct entrance. Just as I'm reaching the door, my phone rings.

I stop outside and juggle my soup container, made of a biodegradable cardboard, and my half empty coffee cup into one hand so I can grab my cellphone.

"Sullivan, what do you need?" I balance the phone between my shoulder and my ear so I can take a deep drag of coffee.

There's a pause before a smooth female voice answers. "I don't need anything, dear. You do."

I recognize the voice instantly. I don't even realize I've frozen until the coffee cup clatters to the ground, spilling the precious liquid all over the concrete stairs. I manage to keep hold of the soup.

The reason for the soup is apparent as a chill runs through me.

"I don't need anything from you." I snap before hanging up with my suddenly free hand. How the hell did she get this number?

I angrily shove my phone in my pocket and pick up my trash before storming into the building. I put my soup on my desk, pull out a spoon, thoughtfully provided, and dig in.

Even when I've finished the entire thing my blood still runs cold. Great.


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