Friday night I'm at an impasse. I've got a job secured for me, but it's in Central, the pseudo-district where the four main districts touch, excluding the Downwind of course. Unfortunately, it's all skyscrapers and businesses and no schools - which would suit me perfectly if I didn't have to keep track of Kit.
I'd called around in Mystica and none of the schools were accepting transfers, especially from Downwind kids with a history of getting into fights. I hadn't brought up her flaring skills since I didn't want gossip spreading if they hadn't taken time to look at it.
I slam the receiver down on the last school and growl.
Udial gives me a wince before gathering his coat from where it's draped over his chair. "I'm heading out. Do you need anything?"
"Not unless you can get Kit into school." I push my hands through my hair and tug on it. I'd done this so much today I'd pulled it out of it's customary ponytail. "Why is this so difficult?"
"Moving during the school year is always difficult but you know they almost never let kids from Downwind transfer anywhere. You might have to homeschool her for a year or two so they won't look for her old records." He pats my shoulder before sauntering out of the office.
Udial leaves work early to get home and spend time with his wife and son. And, since he's a demon, no one wants to confront him about it. The only one who would dare was me, but I'd taken that as leave to start making an early escape myself and no one was going to argue with both of us.
Sure, they'd whisper behind his back and say horrible things but when it came down to it people were just as terrified as they were scornful. Demons were to be looked down upon but they wielded awful power if they wanted to and there was no saying how much a part-demon had inherited from his or her ancestors.
Two years ago one of the original Knights of Hell, one of seven Demons that made the rules and enforced them in the Lower Realms, had gone on a rampage through the Downwind. I'd been on the suicide crew sent to subdue him, so had Udial. Since we'd returned alive no one messed with us, even the brass.
But, with the school day over and diner approaching, my imposed house arrest on Kit should be ending too. I shut down my desktop computer and gathered my things.
As I get into the car my phone screen lights up with an unknown number. Yeah, she's still trying to get a hold of me.
I grind my teeth and hit ignore.
When I pull up Every. Single. Light. In the entire house is on. Every. Single. One.
Does this child not understand electricity bills? I swear I've told her time and again that she has to turn off the lights after she leaves a room. This is probably just her petty revenge for being stuck in the house if I'm not with her.
My wallet might want to kill her for it, though.
Slamming the car door I walk in the house with a glare. She's blasting music in the living room, singing at the top of her lungs but the wards contain it so no one outside can hear. It takes her a few minutes and a rendition of a popular boy band song to realize someone is standing behind her.
I have a scowl planted firmly on my face as she slowly turns to me, wincing. With a flick of my wrist the CD player shuts off. I shouldn't be using my magic this close to her, but something just need to be done.
"Do you know how dangerous that was? You can't put all your faith in wards you don't control. There will always be someone out there who can outsmart a ward if they try hard enough."
"Sorry, Cassie?" Her voice edges on apologetic, though it's mostly just apologizing for being caught.
"That shouldn't be a question, Kit. Did you at least make dinner?"

Night Witch (Book 1) ✔️
FantasyCassie Sullivan is a witch in a world where the middle realm is broken into five districts - that of the witches (Mystica), the fae (Fairy), the elves (Ishon Talore), the shifters (Uvrush), and the halfbreeds, those who don't fit anywhere else (Down...