34 - Confessions

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I don't manage to hold in my groan as warm water cascades down my back. Standing in Damien's luxurious tile shower, I haven't felt water pressure this good in well, forever, actually and the temperature is just right.

A light chuckle sounds behind me and I turn to glare at Damien as I shield my body. "Get out, you perv."

"Just making sure you were still alive. You've been in here for a while." His smile turns smug as his eyes roam my back. "Though the view is gorgeous."

His voice drops to that hypnotic place demon's have which turns the mind naughty places. From him though, I shiver not in delighted, but revulsion. He was my best and only friend growing up and definitely more of a mentor and father figure than my grandmother ever was.

Since I don't have to hide my true self from him, I erect a line of demon fire on the floor between us with the little power I keep access to so he can't see me and smile back. He looks horrified for a brief moment before he rolls his eyes at me. "If you had an ounce less control my new tile floors would be in cinders and I'd have to force you to replace them."

I just shrug and make a shoo motion with my hand until he walks out. The fire blows out as he leaves. Grumbling, I brush a hand through my hair to untangle the worst of the knots before turning off the water.

A pair of brand new leather leggings and a blood red blouse are waiting for me on the counter when I step out and it's my turn to roll my eyes as I step into them. They fit like they were made for me, and a part of my mind worries Damien knows my measurements and has indeed ordered me a wardrobe. I just ignore that thought.

My body feels relaxed and I'm on a bit of a power high since Damien recharged my magic batteries after the curse almost killed me. Which accounts for my smile as I wander out of the bathroom and down to where Luke and Kit wait. They jump up and Kit flings herself at me. I wrap my arms around her and squeeze as hard as I can while Luke stands a little ways off and looks quietly relieved.

When I finally disentangle from Kit, he asks, "What happened?"

I grimace before I respond. "I was cursed."

"I gathered that." Sarcasm laces his voice as he crosses his arms and hits me with a glare. "How? When?"

I only know of one witch who could cast a demonic curse at that strength but it makes no sense to me why she would. As for a demon cursing me, they were more likely to just kill me outright than do something this sneaky. So, I give him the best answer I have. "I don't know who cursed me, but the curse activates when magic reserves are low and drains them before starting on the host's life force. Today was pretty draining so I guess that's what did it."

"Cassandra hasn't been close to empty since she stopped me a few years ago, so she could have been cursed any time between then and now." Damien emerges from the door to the kitchen carrying a plate of chocolate and fruit.

He motions us into the living room and we all sit. We nibble a little but I can see Luke's mind twirling as he stares at the cantaloupe he has yet to eat. Four years without running low on power? I either didn't use magic often or I had more power than I liked to let on. Given the fact he'd seen me cast an impossible ward this morning, I knew he was leaning towards to latter.

Luke can't help but keep a careful eye on Damien, but it doesn't bother me as Kit sits beside me and refuses to let go of my arm. "Did you get the disk?"

Luke finally turns back towards me and nods. "I didn't want to watch it with Kit around."

I shrug but leave it, knowing Luke's stance on people being involved in the investigation. "Since we know the precinct is compromised we should watch it here. I'll send Kit home while you guys get it set up."

Night Witch (Book 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now