30 - A New Weaving

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The silence feels deafening as we drive through grounds still covered in ash. The effort to rebuild hasn't gotten this far, and honestly I don't think they'll let anyone build too close to the Demon's prison.

We finally pull up to a three story house that looks like it would fit in well in Upper Mystica as long as you discounted the magical barrier and the large number of cops that stood around nervously watching it. As I step out, Udial spots me and jogs over. We shake hands and Luke eyes him uncertainly.

"Udial, may I introduce my new ball and chain, Luke?"

Luke's eyes widen momentarily when he realizes who Udial is but they manage to shake hands cordially. Udial eyes him then looks at me and I nod. He shrugs but leads me to where Klurgak and an officer from Central are standing twenty yards from the edge of the barrier, Luke in tow.

"Detective Sullivan, glad to see you," Klurgak's voice grates and I snap a salute. She bares her teeth in what I'm sure is supposed to be a smile, but mostly has me wanting to flinch. Luke doesn't contain his reaction as well as I do and she pins him with a stare.

"Lieutenant, I'm Detective York, Detective Sullivan's new partner." He manages to speak but it's clear she has him terrified.

I enjoy the moment and let him suffer before jumping in to save him. Even people who work in the precinct often have that reaction to Klurgak. "Lieutenant Klurgak, we're glad to be here."

She eyes the two of us. "Got yourself another minder I see. You must have an untrustworthy face." I grimace but she continues, done with the personal matters. "The ward watcher noted the weakness last week and now it's near critical. This one didn't last as long as the previous one so keep that in mind when you recast the ward."

I nod, motioning Luke to stay with them before walking into the small no man's land that surrounds the demon's new home. I'm sure Klurgak will lay out the rules in a very, shall we say, clear manner. All the emphasis she placed on death should the rules be broken helped impart the seriousness of the task, I'm sure.

When I reached the shimmering air that was the visualization of this particular ward, everyone goes deathly silent. As if my approach was a signal the door opens and a man in slacks and a forest green shirt strolls out. He walks down the steps, coffee cup in hand and angles so he comes to stand directly opposite me.

It's hard not to stare. He's tall and completely comfortable in his body, not to mention his well styled hair that constantly looks like he just woke up and ran his fingers through it.

His smile could intoxicate anyone, well, anyone who hadn't grown immune over years of exposure growing up. But his eyes, they tell you he isn't human. They are a green so deep they would put an emerald to shame but if you catch them while he isn't looking at you they look purple. Not to mention the pupils fight the glamour he wraps himself in when he gets angry and suddenly you find yourself looking into cat eyes.

His glamour is perfectly under control at the moment so he looks like a really laid back and attractive young professional. If you didn't know he was one of the most powerful demons alive, that is.

I tilt my head at him and look at him carefully. "You got rid of the grey streaks in your hair."

I make the casual comment only because I know none of the others present will be listening in. It's considered unspeakably rude to listen in on someone else's demon deal.

The corner of his mouth sneaks up as he takes a sip of coffee. "I thought I'd try a change."

"Alright, let's get this over with." I take a deep breath and make eye contact. "Do you promise to stay inside the perimeter while I remove the old barrier and erect the new one?"

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