17 - Three Introductions

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Benedict rises with a scoff and leads me out of his office without a backwards glance. The secretary sniffs and pointedly looks away as we walk by, which gives me a pretty good indication of how the rest of my day is going to go.

We stop at a desk on the edge of the detective's bullpen, where the chair's back faces the walkway. I grit my teeth and don't say anything about the fact that I'll have people constantly walking behind me because I know it won't do me any good. I'll just have to install a mirror.

Benedict pats the desk once. "This is yours."

I don't bother with a response.

He takes a huge breath and lets out a commanding call for attention. "Listen up, everyone. Our new detective arrived today and starts tomorrow. This is Cassandra."

At that, I bristle.

"I go by Sullivan," I make my words hard and glare at him. The private disrespect I'll tolerate but to stoop to calling me by my first name in front of other officers and detectives is a step too far.

"We've already got a Sullivan, so you'll go by Cassandra." He narrows his eyes and I feel the entire office take a gasp and wait with interest to see my response.

"I don't use that name, you can call me Cassie, then," I announce to the room at large. There's no way I'll let him dictate what they call me and I haven't been Cassandra in years.

Benedict just snorts. "Get your badge and be on time tomorrow. I'm placing you on probation until you can prove you're not just a stuffed shirt for some family with influence. Your partner will be evaluating you for a month and then I'll make a decision based on your performance."

I don't bother to ask what sort of decision he means or berate him for discussing those details in public. Based on the look of shock on a few people's faces this is not normal treatment for new detectives but I suck it up with a stiff smile. "Yes, sir."

I must not be very good at hiding the derision in my voice because he stomps off with a glare. Silence falls and I place my hands on my hips before turning to take in all the officers and detectives who still haven't turned away.

"Hey everyone, I'm Cassie. I used to be a detective in the Downwind and recently moved up to Mystica. It's a pleasure to be working with you all."

They all keep staring. I raise an eyebrow and suddenly they all realize they have work to do. I manage to stifle most of my sigh before walking to the detective at the desk next to mind.

I lean against the edge and smile my best smile. "Hey, you mind telling me where the badge office is?"

Eyes of ice blue turn to watch me. He pauses a moment, as if to take me in and decide if I'm worthy, and then nods. "Basement. That was quite the show you put on. Most people try to lay low the first few days."

I grimace. "Yeah, that wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I walked in."

"One of the officers was tapped for your badge before you came along."

My grimace turns to a wince. "I recently heard that, yes."

His head tilts slightly as if to try to watch me from a better angle. "You must know some important people if you can get here from the Downwind in one step."

"Or I'm just good at my job. I had a standing offer from Central, but for personal reasons Mystica was better." I shrug and push off the desk. "Thanks for the help. See you tomorrow."

I lift a lazy hand and start to leave when he calls out my name. "You'll want to wear something more professional tomorrow."

I turn to look at him curiously.

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