36 - Triple Damn

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As we pulled up, Luke grumbled under his breath. Most of it was of the "this is a bad idea" variety, but occasionally he threw in a "how did I get myself into this" to mix things up.

I could have answered for him. He hadn't gotten himself into this at all. No, it was because of me and his roommate that all of this had happened. People around me tended to end up in crazy situations. For Carter, it had been our group being recruited to work for CODE which had torn him and his best friend apart. I don't even know if he still speaks to Kyre. For Udial, well, we'd fought a Knight of Hell. Not much more to be said there.

Luke, the next in the long line of men to whom my bad luck rubbed off, had discovered his roommate and friend might be involved in the disappearance of an heiress. An heiress I doubt is alive given the heavy handed applications of the word sacrifice in his roommates demonic book. Still, I think it could be worse. Though, if you count demonic involvement, it probably qualifies as worse already. Minor detail.

Yet it's a detail that Luke is very unhappy with. This time we don't park in a designated parking spot. We pull right up to the bouncer and Luke stalks out leaving the car parked illegally. He flashes his badge and the tiny woman in front of the door crosses her arms, not moving out of his way.

Now, you may be thinking that having a small woman as a bouncer wouldn't be the best idea. Well, you'd be wrong. Especially when you take into account the fact that she's wearing elvish bracers that give her incredible strength, and her coat is covered in sigils of defense. It's a good thing I went to school with her, now, isn't it?

I place a hand on Luke's shoulder and lean around as if to share a secret with the woman. I don't keep my voice quiet, however. "He's had a very bad day. Now, I know we've already had a chat with your coworker, but it would be unfortunate if my partner here had to pull out the legal stops for you, too. I know how much your parents hate it when you get arrested, Eritrea."

Her eyes, which had mostly been engaged in a battle with Luke, snap to me. They narrow as she tries to place me. "No charges were filed. You shouldn't go through people's records."

"Who said I had to? I was there the night you cast that marvelously explosive spell. It took out, what, close to seven underclassmen? You're lucky Eleanor had left to get drinks because that was one family your parents couldn't bribe." My smile is like a dagger.

To be fair, I wasn't actually there that night. But that was one story that made the rounds of Starcrest. Of course no one would ever say anything outside of those sacred halls, which meant that Eritrea knew I was there but couldn't quite place me. Her narrowed eyes gave her away.

Because I like to help, I set the folio at my feet as if it isn't important and hold out my hand to introduce myself. "Cassandra Sullivan, at your service."

Her eyes widen a fraction but she's surprisingly good at controlling her emotions now considering what a loose cannon she used to be. "You're the dud. How'd they let you be a cop?"

"Never believe what other people tell you, Eritrea." I circle my hand dramatically and snap. Earthly flames jump into life.

She doesn't look impressed. As I open my mouth to start another battle, Luke shakes my hand off his arm. The hand I hadn't realized I'd left there.

"We don't have time for this. A woman is missing and someone in that club has information. We need to speak to," he grits his teeth and leans close to whisper, "your demon."

This time Eritrea does display surprise and her eyebrows fly upwards. She takes in Luke then turns to me, calculating. With a put upon sigh I circle my right hand again, and after I snap demonic green fire erupts. She nods once as if confirming something.

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