15 - Shock and Awe

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The next morning, I literally have to roll out of bed. I've sunk so far into the pillowed mattress that it takes longer to get out of bed than it does to marshal a small army. Given that, it's no surprise I'm glaring at the coffee maker and cursing under my breath when Kit strolls out of her room.

As she plops on the couch and closes her eyes, I give up on the fancy silver and foam machine and dig through the cabinets hopelessly looking for a coffee pot. I groan in delight when I find instant coffee shoved into the back corner of one of the upper cabinets. Pulling out a mug, I fill it with water and then place it between my hands. Muttering, I heat the glass with a small push of magic until it is close to boiling before dumping in the coffee.

Leaving it to soak, I go and stand behind Kit, pulling her head up.

She groans, not happily. "Cassie..." It's a whine.

I ignore it, running my hand though her hair and whipping it into a long braid. "Up you get. Go change and I'll try to rummage up some breakfast. Your first day is today so we have to get you to school on time."

She stomps off, fluffy pajama bottoms quivering in sleepy anger. I return to the heavenly coffee, a bit tasteless but hey, any caffeine is good caffeine on mornings like this, and open the fridge to find it nicely packed. As I reach in, a chime sounds and a scroll drops from the top and lands in my hand.

Jerking back I slam the fridge. The scroll goes flying across the floor as I release it as if it was on fire. When nothing happens, I slowly reach down and open the scroll. 


Welcome to the Verfain Estate, we are very pleased to have you. We have provided food to help you settle into your home. Should you want a different selection of food or anything for special occasions, please leave your requests at the bottom of this note and it will be provided. Food deliveries are made at the end of every week and you can customize them at any time by adjusting the list below.

We hope you enjoy your stay!

~Verfain Family

A long grocery list followed, below which was a blank space apparently for requests. This was more like a hotel than any home I'd ever lived in. I have a feeling that the cost of these amenities was coming straight out of my Grandmother's pockets though, which meant it had to go. I'd deal with that later.

Setting the scroll on the counter I claim a few eggs while keeping a wary eye on the fridge. I escape unmolested this time.

I've downed all my coffee, got the eggs scrambled, and set out plates by the time Kit walks out, pulling the sleeves of her uniform uncomfortably. She wrinkles her nose as she glances down at the plaid skirt and plain dark blue blazer.

"You look great, don't worry. You only have to wear the uniform three days a week, so there will be plenty of time for your personal style." I drop a kiss on her head before running to change myself. Seeing as all my outfits are basically the same it doesn't take me long to throw on dark pants and a loose t-shirt.

Kit's just pushing her eggs around when I take my seat.

"You have to eat. We're leaving in ten minutes." I gulp down eggs while she nibbles here and there. I leave her be.

I usher her into her plain black shoes and out into the car as soon as she sets down her fork, but her plate is still half full. I hand her some money and she tucks it away in a skirt pocket wordlessly, knowing better than to protest being allowed to purchase lunch, as we hurry down the stairs.

We drive out the road to the guest house entrance. It appears to dead end at the fence, but as the car approaches the hedges slide away and let us drive through. There's a nondescript call box on the other side which we can use to get back in.

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