12 - Reconciliation

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I stride back up to my house that evening fairly pleased with myself. I'd gotten two out of three deals and been paid enough that I should be able to support us until my first Mystica pay check comes in. Assuming the rent on whatever place my Grandmother found was reasonable. I winced just thinking about it.

Only the lights in the kitchen and living room are on when I enter and Kit is splayed on the couch reading. I walk over and tug out her headphones to be met with a glare.

"Dinner's ready. I left it in the oven to keep warm." She sits up and trudges to the dining table where she's set out two plates.

I pull out the pan of chicken topped with cheese and onions and bring it to the table. I toss my jacket on the back of the couch, kick off my shoes, and sit across from Kit.

I serve up one piece each and then push mine around on my plate. Neither of us really eats.

Finally, I give up. "Listen, Kit, I'm really sorry that this is happening. But, we should talk about what's going to happen tomorrow."

She glares but sullenly nods. "I have to pack tonight, don't I?"

"Yeah. We'll only take a few clothes with us since the place we got is furnished. New clothes are also being delivered." I curl my lip. "They probably won't be very comfortable though so take what you can."

Kit frowns at me. "We're moving and buying new clothes? You always say we don't have money for that so how can we afford all this now?"

"I called in a favor." I don't manage to hide my wince. Kit stares until I cave. "I called grandmother."

"You WHAT?" She screeches and launches to her feet.

"She gives all of her descendants one favor and I called in yours. We'll be fine," I'm trying hard to convince myself of this. Which makes it doubly hard to convince someone else.

Kit sits down as if her legs can't hold her anymore. "But you always said... You didn't agree to go back, did you?" Her eyes turn wide with horror, knowing the world would turn blood red if I ever ended up under our grandmother's iron thumb again.

"No! Like I said, I called in your favor to get us a place. She'll try to be involved but as long as we both ignore her and return anything she tries after we move in we should be safe," I reach out to grab Kit's hand.

"I know this is terrifying, but we're going to be okay. You have school tomorrow and you can attend until there is another incident then we'll move up to Mystica and you'll start school the next day. You've been accepted to Ravenswood Academy which is one of two premier private schools. All the students there will be like you in ways the kids here never were and most are related to important people in Mystica." I squeeze her hand before pulling back. I can't paint a rosy picture though, because kids in Mystica are just as vicious as the ones here, possibly more so because they've got power to back then up.

"That's not to say it will be easy or that they'll be nicer to you. They'll hate you but you just have to soldier on because they would never shame their families by starting fights. During magic classes, which make up half of the curriculum, they'll try to test you. Your natural instincts will prove you're skilled, but no matter what you can never trust anyone," I hold her gaze and hope she can tell how serious I am.

She nods slowly. "But if they'll do all of that how is that better than what is happening here?"

"At least there all magical attacks will be supervised. Plus, they're all powerful mages themselves so they have no need to kidnap you and use you to power spells for those who can't cast."

Kit rears back. "No one here would do that."

She sees the best in people which may be her down fall one day. I don't want to turn her into me though, so I try to break it to her slowly. "Kit, the Downwind is dangerous. If you can't cast you end up here and if you can't use magic you're worthless. People will do a lot to change that and you're the perfect solution. At least up there people will stop trying to kill you," I rub my forehead knowing that isn't exact true and so, with a defeated sigh, I continue.

"The kids will be mean and stuck up. They'll belittle you at every turn. It will be worse because you haven't been formally trained yet. But unlike here they won't try to harm you outside of class and if they do there are teachers that can interfere. This isn't going to be easy but we don't have a choice. There isn't a way for us to blend in down here anymore. If we're going to stand out we might as well do it where civility says they can't attack in public." I return to my food and start cutting it up. I still don't manage to eat more than a bite.

"If the school is so full of important people how did I get in?" Kit asks softly as she too keeps pushing her food around.

I hesitate and tell a half truth. "Grandmother always gets what she wants."

Kit blanches. "Not always. She wanted you and me."

I don't look up, knowing that isn't exactly true. Grandmother wanted me and she wanted to use Kit to control me since Kit had passed the age where she could be easily swayed to her side. We've stayed away from that woman for years but the end is finally here. Though my phone calls with her make it clear we never really left, we've effectively given ourselves up to her by moving back into her orbit.

We finish dinner in silence though neither of us eats much. I combine the leftover food in a container and rinse the plates while Kit stands worrying.

I walk over and wrap my arms around her in a strong hug, one hand moving to stroke her hair. "It's going to be alright, Kit. I promise."

She sniffles and wrap her arms around me to hug me back. "I don't think you can promise that anymore, Cassie. I don't want to go."

"I know. Neither do I, but we'll be together and we'll make it work." I continue stroking her hair until she calms and pulls back.

I grin before grabbing her hand and pulling her into her room. "Alright, let's pack your clothes first and then mine. Afterwards we can watch a movie and eat ice cream until we pass out on the couch."

"But it's a school night." Her forehead wrinkles.

I can tell when the realization hits her that it doesn't matter that it's a school night since I'm pretty sure tomorrow is her last day at school here. I'm trying to make our last night fun and something to remember.

She gives me a small smile before shaking her head. "Alright, but I get to pick the movie since you always pick action movies and tonight calls for a romantic comedy."

I laugh but let her head to the closet and start pulling out all the clothes she likes.

That night after we finish packing clothes and her childhood toys, we stay up late and eat ice cream and I watch her as she falls asleep on the couch. I take as many mental pictures as possible of when life was simple.

Because I know that from here on out nothing will be as easy as it was. We're leaving the safe anonymity of the Downwind and heading straight into the viper's nest.

I curl myself around my sister and hug her tightly. One last night to remember.

The Sullivan family is just full of drama! Do you have a favorite childhood memory of when your parents let you stay up late?

Kit knows that this is the last chance to be in her childhood home and she'd love a few likes, shares, and comments to make her feel less alone!


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