24 - Transitions

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I raised a hand, grit my jaw, and with a smooth extension of power create the thinnest of cuts in the fabric that separates the middle and lower realms. Taking a furtive glance over my shoulder to make sure I wasn't seen, I slip into the divide and seal it immediately behind me. As a Night Witch, rather than one of the more common designations, I can create rifts between worlds not just summon creatures to cross them.

World walking is a rare and demonic skill. Most demons who travel between worlds frequently contract with a World Walker to open rifts for them. Mex and I however, can cut them ourselves.

Similar restrictions apply with world walking as with crossing the between realms, however. Moving a full demonic form between realms takes an immense amount of power so they still leave the majority of their demonic body in the space between realms. Luckily, as a human, I don't have to worry about such things.

I'd made my cut to a strategic location - behind a trashcan in an alley no one ever visited. I don't stop in Midnight long enough to take in the time let alone be seen before I open another rift, this one back to the middle realms. Luckily for me and my time table, reality dips and folds between realms which makes appearing wherever I want a hell of a lot easier.

The back corner of the garage in our new apartment has a small square teleportation pad so I configure my cut directly above it. I've a suspicion Mrs. Verfain's guards keep a watchful eye on the interior of the garage but the teleportation pad is strictly off limits to monitoring unless they are willing to risk jail time. So, when I step out onto the blue pad it's no surprise that while there's the low buzzing of a watching spell near the garage door, it isn't pointed at where I stand.

The slit between worlds dissipates with my soft breath and the light seemes to fade away. Gathering myself, I stride across the garage and up into the apartment.

Kit is sitting at the breakfast table crunching her cereal, her notepad and pens beside her. She pauses only long enough glare at me before returning to her breakfast.

I wince as I slide into the seat opposite her. "Okay, I know I messed up."

She simply looks resigned when she meets my eyes. "I think I should probably get used to that."

Ouch. That stings. "Listen, I got covered in ectoplasm and had no easy way home so my partner let me crash at his place. My clothes had to be cleaned and then someone I knew in high school showed up and time ran away from me. I was hoping to get here before you woke up. I'm really sorry, Kit, and I will do my best not to do that again."

She seems to take in my words before nodding slowly. "I get it. Your job is important." She stands and sets her dishes in the sink. "Let's go. I don't want to be late for class. I didn't hear the garage door open."

My face sours. "I had to leave the car at the station."

She freezes. "Then how am I going to get to school?"

"I'll teleport you there." I've resigned myself to this but the words still taste bitter. She's still on the edge of being young enough to be influenced by my magic. "Then I'll head to work the same way."

"You are going to use your magic on me?" Her jaw has dropped in a comical fashion.

"Yes," I snap. "Now grab your things and let's go." Teleportation better be the first thing her tutor teaches her.

We hurry down the steps and she must be reading my mind. "I'll be staying late after school. I've been assigned a tutor and we're meeting then. I think teleportation will be the first thing I ask her to teach me. If you can't get me I'm sure she'll be able to drop me here."

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