62 - Snape x Harry Part 17

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There were three problems.

One, how was Voldemort resseructed and would he go on a killing spree? Two, who was the person that resurructed him? And three. What was wrong with Pansy? All of these myteries will be revealed on the newest book for Sherlock. Joking. Well anyway, they decided to get a group of people who also wondered about the Voldemort thing. So they got all these people:

Ron. Anakin. Draco. Becky. Lucius. (He doesn't even go to the school) Harry had come to, but he seemed more nervous than all the others.

"First, who do you think resurructed Voldemort?" Asked Nicky.

"Uh...Peter Pettigrew?" Asked Harry.

"Boy Peter died a long time ago when we killed him." Said Nicky. "Next."

"Hmm....a random death eater?" Asked Hagrid.

"Yeah, probably." Nicky nodded. Everyone else gave stupid answers, when suddenly someone said, "Isabel and Cailyn."

"bOY WHAt, LEGIT WE'RE ON YOUR SIDE!" Yelled Cailyn. The person who said it was them was Becky. "Go manicure your nails with Snape, Becky. Leave or we'll get the spray," said Nicky. Becky put her hands up. "Fine, I'll like leave your stupid group," she said and she left the room slamming the door on them.

"Man, even Draco isn't as feisty as Becky," said Harry.

"Omg shut up Potter I'mma suckerpunch your glasses wearing scar face!" Screeched Draco.

"GUYS CALM DOWN!" Yelled Hagrid. Before you knew it, everyone was fighting. Anakin decided it was a mess and forced everyone out even though he didn't even run it. So yeah. Nothing had been solved.



Dear Diary,

I've planned it all. I made him come back to life. I messed with that one girl. And most importantly, I-

Suddenly Edgy Boi #3 looked at my diary. "sTOPP IT BRO!" I yelled. "NO!" He yelled back immaturely. Suddenly two other Edgy Bois came walking into the room.

"What are you doing?" Asked Edgy Boi #1, hood covering his face.

"he HAS A DIARY!" Yelled Edgy Boi #3.

"No one cares." Said Edgy Boi #2. "We have an emergency."

Emergency? What emergency? "What happened?" I asked.

"Hogwarts did. No time to explain, we've gotta go there!" Said Edgy Boi #1. Edgy Boi #2 looked a little worried. Of course he was. He was a newb at our thing. It's no fair Edgy Boi #1 gives him a bunch of attention. But oh well. One day I'll be better than him. But we had to move quickly. Before Voldemort took over...

PaRT 18 COMING TO THEATRES NEAR YOU! I know the Edgy Boi thing is confusing sorry lol but its gonna be lit (not) SO STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE OF DRAGON BALL Z!

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