41 - Fred x George Part 3

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Bill had changed. And by changed I mean like bro, he really changed. He cut his hair because Snoke told him to. "You would look 1,000 times sophisticater with shorter hair. And it would be way more luscious," he had said. In my opinion, Bill/Hux looked great with luscious longer hair. But not as luscious as Lucius's hair.

Lucius: Did someone say my name?

Holy cheese balls, your literally in the story! Is it true you abuse Draco? Is it true your a Weasl-

Lucius: Yup I'm out.

Lucius dabbed then left the book somehow. Back to the story. Bill went by General Hux, as we all know. Also he changed his outfit and his attitude changed to Snape's angry emo attitude. He also was a lot more mean. He was going to destroy a planet but suddenly, something happened.

He was giving the speech before he destroyed  the planet. Suddenly, Fred and George came out of the sky on a hot air balloon. Hux didn't know who  they were because he forgot about his old self.

"BILL!" Screamed George. Hux stared. He then told the storm troopers to fire at Fred and George. "This is the end," said Fred to George. "I love you brother."

"I love you too," said George. And then the stormtroopers shot.

Only thing is, is that Ron came flying by a magic carpet. "I can show you the world," he sang to Harry who was also on the magic carpet. They flew around and Harry got out his machine gun and shot every stormtrooper. Hux stared. "Well who the frickity frock are you?" He asked.

"Bill!" Screamed Ron. "Why are you in that outfit?"

"Who is 'Bill'?" Hux asked (again.)

"Yo Ron, Bill changed. He isn't himself anymore. We gotta blast before he gets the white guy with black hair and the light saber after us," said Harry. "No," said Ron. "Theres still good left in him, I can feel it."

"Wait what? WHO IS BILL?!" Screamed Hux. 

"Who is phone?" Said Harry. "Anyways, your Bill. Remember?"

"Oh yeah I remember now," said Hux. Hux then called after Kylo Ren. "Hey, you're the one that helped swipe off my memory of being a wizard with Snoke," said Hux angrily. Klyo shrugged. "It was just a prank bro." Hux screamed, and then took out a wand.

Snoke gasped. "Y-yer a wizard Hux?!"

"He's a what?" Asked Kylo.

"Avada kedvra," said Hux, pointing the wand at Kylo and Snoke and he killed them. "I can't believe it! I just can't!" He yelled. Suddenly, Hux transformed back into Bill. All the stormtroopers were startled. They pointed their guns, ready to kill Bill.

But Bill had Avada-Kedvraed them all. Bill looked at Harry, Ron, Fred and George. "Can I join y'all again?" He asked. "Yes!" Screamed Fred.

Fred and George somehow helped Bill into the hot air balloon. "Hey can we join you guys to?" Asked Ron.

"Sure," George allowed, only because he was in a good mood now. So Harry, Fred, Ron, George and Bill traveled in the hot air balloon.

They didn't know that Lucius and Draco were trying to find them. But luckly, when the two Whitefoys caught up with them, Bill killed Lucius and tortured Draco. They all then went back to Hogwarts to rejoice.

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