39 - Dobby Meets Yoda

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"We must restore balance to the Force again, Yoda. Stop freaking thinking about that weird thing," said Mace Windu. Yoda gave Mace Windu a evil look. "He's a elf thing, and his name is Dobby," Yoda screamed.

Mace shrugged. "When Palpatine takes over the galaxy, don't blame me." Yoda left the room and drove to a random place.

"Yo Dobby answer," said Yoda, knocking on the door. A small thing answered the door and told Yoda to enter the room. Yoda went inside and saw that Dobby had McDonald food on the table.

"Lets eat," said Dobby. Yoda nodded and they ate like pigs. It was so much fun. Afterwards, they drew pictures, watched a horror movie and ranted on about stupid stuff. Yoda didn't realize it was already 11:00 PM. "I gotta go. I need to help the Jedi Council," said Yoda. Dobby nodded and Yoda left.

When Yoda saw Mace Windu, he swore Mace looked possessed. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO HELP ME DESTROY PALPATINE YOU GREEN THING! YOU LOOK LIKE SHREK IF HE HAD A BABY WITH DOBBY!" Yoda cried. "Stop yelling at me like that," Yoda said. Yoda got out his light saber.

"We will fight," said Yoda. Mace Windu got out his light saber too, and together they fought. Eventually Mace died when Yoda used the Force on him. Yoda went back to Dobby and cried.

Dobby then confessed his love towards Yoda.

"Ew I don't like you. Go kill yourself," said Yoda, and with that he left. Dobby cried for hours. For weeks. For months. For years. For decades. For centuries. Eventually the whole galaxy was flooded with Dobby's tears. And everyone died.

The End

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