46 - Palpatine Teaches WAR.

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"They killed Hux!" Screamed Obi Wan. "What?" Asked Anakin.

"Look...there's a letter confirming it," said Obi Wan, handing Anakin a letter. Anakin read it:


I killed Hux. I found him in a forest and stabbed his legs, arms and stomach. He somehow didn't die, so I  then took him to the Tuskan Raiders, the group of creatures who killed your mother Anakin. Remember, Star Wars is better than Harry Potter. Your next :)

Harry Potter

Anakin gasped. Sure, Hux was annoying but he didn't deserve to die. And he was sent to the Tuskan Raiders? He wouldn't survive. But what Anakin was the most saddest about was that Harry did it. Anakin and Harry had become best friends and...

Once again Anakin felt that pull to the Dark Side. A little voice kept chanting Darth Vader over and over again. How could he...


Hux didn't know where he was. He couldn't move either. Did a Sith attempted to kill him? Dang that Kylo. But then Hux remembered. It was Harry! Hux gave a high pitched scream. Harry mentioned something about sending Hux to the Sand People. The sand people are Tuskan Raiders in case your wondering. Hux was angry and scared. He was beyond scared straight.

Suddenly a man walked up to him. "Hello..." Said the weird looking dude. It was Harry! His screamed again all high pitched. But dang though, who'd expect Harry to turn out so demonic? But Hux was also a little demonic. He started making weird sounds to make it seem as if he was possessed until Harry would back away.

"Dang dude who'd know you were Satan? Explains why you scream all the time," said Harry and he left.

"Ugh I gotta get outta here," said Hux. But thats for part 4.

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